I give that reporter just a tiny bit of latitude inasmuch as they were ignoring what was going on at that moment and were reading from a script - but - what they were saying about the movement at large - by counting individual protests - was true. Out of over 600+ protests - most of them were very peaceful and while charged with fiery rhetoric, mostly ended up with people having walked and carried signs and gone home. MOST of the George Floyd protests began with a march and ended with one.Like that reporter going on about peaceful protests with rioting and fires going on in the background - it's right there and anyone can see it, but they prefer to believe what they're told rather than what they see with their own eyes.
It's just a large number - not a large proportion, but a large number - were extremely violent, racked up billions in damages, cost dozens of lives, hundreds of serious injuries and so forth. To put into perspective, let's say a local high school has a hundred very violent students - but 900 peaceful ones. The violence obviously overshadows the non-violence, because we reasonably expect there SHOULD BE NONE. It would be true to say that it was mostly peaceful but still ignoring the violence that shouldn't be happening at all. Our First Amendment allows for people to peaceably assemble.
I have heard similar arguments regarding J6 - because as we know, a tiny fraction of those present actually entered the Capitol - most of THEM never did a damned thing besides walk around, take pictures and walk out. Some people who did EXACTLY THAT, and were proven on tape to have done just that, were arrested nonetheless. This argument is meaningless to the left who sees it as the most egregious example of insurrection imaginable, and grow weary of hearing people dismiss it.