Southern Md lost a special one today.


New Member
They are something special. Martin was really laid back. Never got into much trouble. His sister however ate an entire couch one day. She was around 165lbs and he was 220lbs. His dad was 240lbs a big, big boy. We will get another for sure. Just not right away. I didnt realize there were so many right here in SOMD. Would have been nice to meet some other owners.

My Zeus has always been the perfect gentleman, never any trouble. Vegas on the other hand......... My husband built a new deck last year. I will say the steps no longer look new, I have replaced countless shoes, hose nozzles, soccer balls, christmas knick knacks, etc. But you can't stay mad at her, she is too cute. A couple weeks ago she managed to climb up on the picnic table, then was too scared to get down. We have no idea how long she was on top of it whining before my husband got her down. She would not get out of the back of my explorer the other day when we got home. Stayed in there with the back door open while I cut grass, sleeping. She is a mess........


At 2am this morning my mastiff Martin died in my arms. He was 8 years old. Martin was sort of famous around here. A big brindle mastiff, winning "favorite fan" and "biggest dog contests" around the area. He was a special, special dog and I will miss him terribly. Those who met him I know will never forget him. truley were a gentle giant. Your heart was as big as you. You tolerated people and kids running up to pet you and people staring at you everywhere you went. Always a gentleman, you made the breed proud. I will miss you very much. I know one day we will meet again. A heaven without Martin would be like hell. RIP big boy. I love you!!

:bawl: I am so sorry you have lost your dear freind.
Was he ill.

We had to put our BIG DOG(german shepard x rotwieler) down earlier this year. He was 16 1/2 years old but he had the heart of a puppy. He was the most gentle dog ever. MASSIVE though, He ate our bathroom door once. He reminded me of the movie that came out Marley and Me. Naughty but adorable and a puppy right up until the end.

We had to put him down cause he was going into congestive heart failure and his kidneys were failing. :bawl: Hubby cried like a baby as did the rest of us. He had no problem burying the cat. But we had to have the big dog cremated because hubby was a basket case and couldn't bring himself to bury him. It was a sad day for all. The two older kids couldn't be there with him when he died, and they are still upset about it. He was a gentleman right to the end.


New Member
:huggy:Sorry to hear :huggy:<object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" width="0" height="0"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="0" height="0"></embed></object>

Me too, my prayers go out to you both!


Yea Right
RIP Martin - Seems as if he was VERY lucky to have you.

I got my first puppy (12 week old American Staffordshire) almost 2 weeks ago. I cannot imagine being without him now. I refer to him as "my son" my family thinks I am crazy...:duel: It's amazing what an animal can do for you when you are in an emotionally bad place in life - I just LOVE him

I will keep you in my thoughts :)


Get some!
RIP Martin - Seems as if he was VERY lucky to have you.

I got my first puppy (12 week old American Staffordshire) almost 2 weeks ago. I cannot imagine being without him now. I refer to him as "my son" my family thinks I am crazy...:duel: It's amazing what an animal can do for you when you are in an emotionally bad place in life - I just LOVE him

I will keep you in my thoughts :)
Thanks, though I always felt I was the lucky one to have him.


Adopt me please !
Interesting I would just see this - I lost my special Rottie this morning and am in shock. Last week Quinn was just as happy and vibrant and he's gone now. I called him my "JRT on steroids" due to the way he bounced around like a JRT. Quinn was a Rescue so his exact age is unknown but was with me for 6 years. Quinn was a neglect case with special issues due to prior abuse.

I took him to the vet today and they examined him and said it looks like it may have been kidney/liver failure. The tests for heartworms and fecal tests were negative.

We put Quinn's favorite toy between his paws before they wrapped him in plastic. He will be cremated with his toy. You NEVER know how long you have with them, even if they seem healthy, so pet them, hug them, hold them, play with them while you can. Quinn has left me way too soon.

This makes me cry everytime I read it, thinking of my precious pets that have gone before. I thought I'd share it. The link to it is at the bottom.
Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.
When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.

All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor. Those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.
They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent. His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.

You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....

Author unknown...

Rainbow Bridge Poem


Adopt me please !
Thank you and after I posted I realized I was so caught up in my own grief I neglected to say I was sorry to hear of Martin's loss - I am so touched by the wonderful responses to Martin's passing. Maybe Martin and Quinn will play together now.

RIP Martin and Quinn.


Adopt me please !
Quinn's picture

:huggy: I found one of the pictures of Quinn ..... he was an abuse/neglect case and required special handling to socialize him. I have to say that he gave me a hard time in the beginning, but became one of my best buddies ever.

I'm headed to the shelter later to see what aging dogs are there that need a good "end of life experience". It's almost a death sentence (for big dogs anyway) to be in the shelter and over 8 years old.



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New Member
:huggy: I found one of the pictures of Quinn ..... he was an abuse/neglect case and required special handling to socialize him. I have to say that he gave me a hard time in the beginning, but became one of my best buddies ever.

I'm headed to the shelter later to see what aging dogs are there that need a good "end of life experience". It's almost a death sentence (for big dogs anyway) to be in the shelter and over 8 years old.

:huggy: Quinn was a handsome boy. I am sorry for your loss. I hope you find a senior dog to give a wonderful home to. I think that would be a fine tribute to Quinn's memory.


Get some!
Thank you and after I posted I realized I was so caught up in my own grief I neglected to say I was sorry to hear of Martin's loss - I am so touched by the wonderful responses to Martin's passing. Maybe Martin and Quinn will play together now.
Sorry about your loss. I would like to think they have many friends to play with while they wait for us. Its tough. I am still sad and the house still feels empty. It does take time. And Quinn is not alone, that I am certain.


Adopt me please !
I'm sure Quinn is also playing with his buddy Bear who passed 2 years ago -they were best buddies.

I found a dog at the shelter to save who was on death row. They are also looking out for a senior dog for me to take also. The big ones they had there had human and/or dog aggression issues.

I don't really think most people know how many dogs die in the local shelters. The shelters are all usually at capacity so when a new dog gets turned in (stray or owner surrender) they literally go pick out a dog to kill to make space for the new arrival. I wonder sometimes with all the spay/neuter messages we try to promote if enough people will listen to reduce the over-population problem? Makes me sad to see all those dogs in the shelter and know so many of them will die soon.

Maybe Quinn will share his ball with Martin when they play together :buddies: .

Sorry about your loss. I would like to think they have many friends to play with while they wait for us. Its tough. I am still sad and the house still feels empty. It does take time. And Quinn is not alone, that I am certain.