Speed trap ALERT


New Member
MMDad said:
:roflmao: I can see it now. "Guys, remeber that quota you used to have? Well, you still have to write as many tickets, just don't call it a quota any more! The public is dumb enough to believe we don't have quotas as long as we don't call them quotas."

I feel your pain. The legislature passed a no quota law, hopefully that will curb the barrack averages as well.

My personal opinion is nobody should be forced to write a certain amount of tickets, it should be up to the individual officers discretion. Sometimes people have good excuses for traffic violations, and sometimes they just need reminders rather than tickets.
smcop said:
I feel your pain. The legislature passed a no quota law, hopefully that will curb the barrack averages as well.

My personal opinion is nobody should be forced to write a certain amount of tickets, it should be up to the individual officers discretion. Sometimes people have good excuses for traffic violations, and sometimes they just need reminders rather than tickets.

Can you supply some of the "good excuses" so I know what to say next time I get pulled over?


New Member
smcop said:
I feel your pain. The legislature passed a no quota law, hopefully that will curb the barrack averages as well.

My personal opinion is nobody should be forced to write a certain amount of tickets, it should be up to the individual officers discretion. Sometimes people have good excuses for traffic violations, and sometimes they just need reminders rather than tickets.

I personally wish 235 had better coverage.... there's no reason for ANYONE to be driving over 65 at any point on that road. Not sure why folks are in a rush to get to Waldorf.... we were cruising about 60 in a 55 and had folks passing us doing at least 80..... no wonder my insurance is nearly double now compared to my old residence.

Oh, and over the past 2 days, I've come to realize that folks here don't know what "right of way" is. If I'm going straight across at a 4 way intersection, I have the right of way before some yahoo turning left.... would love to see a cop sitting at the Hickory Hills South intersection..... only saw 2 accidents this week so far.


Woodyspda said:
I personally wish 235 had better coverage.... there's no reason for ANYONE to be driving over 65 at any point on that road. Not sure why folks are in a rush to get to Waldorf.... we were cruising about 60 in a 55 and had folks passing us doing at least 80..... no wonder my insurance is nearly double now compared to my old residence.

Oh, and over the past 2 days, I've come to realize that folks here don't know what "right of way" is. If I'm going straight across at a 4 way intersection, I have the right of way before some yahoo turning left.... would love to see a cop sitting at the Hickory Hills South intersection..... only saw 2 accidents this week so far.
if there is not much traffic on 235 why drive so slow? :shrug: I know most cops sure dont go the speed limit!!!


Main Streeter
Woodyspda said:
Oh, and over the past 2 days, I've come to realize that folks here don't know what "right of way" is. If I'm going straight across at a 4 way intersection, I have the right of way before some yahoo turning left.... would love to see a cop sitting at the Hickory Hills South intersection..... only saw 2 accidents this week so far.
Are you taking about a 4-way stop intersection? If so, the vehicle who is first at the intersection has the right of way, even if they're turning left. If you're at 2-way stop intersection and you and the person across from you are at stop signs, the vehicle who was at the intersection first has the right of way, even if they're turning left. Of course, the traffic with no stop sign has right of way over all.


New Member
awpitt said:
Are you taking about a 4-way stop intersection? If so, the vehicle who is first at the intersection has the right of way, even if they're turning left. If you're at 2-way stop intersection and you and the person across from you are at stop signs, the vehicle who was at the intersection first has the right of way, even if they're turning left. Of course, the traffic with no stop sign has right of way over all.

Only problem with that is..... prove you got there first. An officer approaching an accident scene has to assume both drivers arrived at the intersection at the same time. (unless there are witnesses that would state otherwise, but we live in Maryland where people love to gawk but refuse to stop)


Main Streeter

awpitt said:
Are you taking about a 4-way stop intersection? If so, the vehicle who is first at the intersection has the right of way, even if they're turning left. If you're at 2-way stop intersection and you and the person across from you are at stop signs, the vehicle who was at the intersection first has the right of way, even if they're turning left. Of course, the traffic with no stop sign has right of way over all.

I double checked the book and left turning vehicles must yield to all.


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New Member
MLGTS08 said:
if there is not much traffic on 235 why drive so slow? :shrug: I know most cops sure dont go the speed limit!!!

Because speed kills.

Are you saying that if I'm driving 60 on that road, I'm going slow??? The posted limit is 55, it's a rural road not a highway. The worst offenders are the big trucks....you know, the ones that like to tailgate you and will crush you if they can't see your brake lights....


Woodyspda said:
Because speed kills.

Are you saying that if I'm driving 60 on that road, I'm going slow??? The posted limit is 55, it's a rural road not a highway. The worst offenders are the big trucks....you know, the ones that like to tailgate you and will crush you if they can't see your brake lights....
60 isnt slow, yes its over the speed limit but I am saying if there isnt a lot of traffic or sometimes even if there is you gotta go with the flow of it.


New Member
Karma quote:Why do you worry about it so much? How many accidents have you been in?

Well, let's see:

1. Location: Chancellor's Run
Stopped and waiting to make a left hand turn. My NEW truck had less than 800 miles and a 22 yo local decided to go around me but didn't realize until it was too late that there wasn't any road to the right of me. All he had to do was wait 15 seconds for traffic to clear on the otherside of the road.

Why do I worry about it???? Because people around here drive like idiots. I've never lived anywhere that I've seen so many fatal accidents. Drive by the tote board in Leonardtown sometime.

obtw.... sign your karma


New Member
awpitt said:

I double checked the book and left turning vehicles must yield to all.

I just looked at the same page you did and it does not say that at all. It says that if you enter an intersection after another vehicle, you must yield right-of-way. (i.e. first person at the intersection has right of way, same thing you said the first time)


New Member
I hate the way people drive on 235 also, Their is a fast lane so all you drivers out their that are in the left lane doing the speed limit MOVE! Three lanes on 235 and everyone of them is taken up by people doing the speed limit backing up traffic. (Mostly the ret. elderly) oh yea and when a cop has someone pulled over, you doing 5 or 10mph over isn't gonna make him get back in his car and come after you so don't slow down. Idiots


New Member
"You're the idiot. Learn to drive the speed limit. - Dutch"
How bout no and you get out of the way, if i haven't learned after about 12 or 13 speeding tickets and one costing me $3000 i'm not gonna learn so if you just move over i won't have to run you over.THANKS :smack:


"Fluffy world destroyer"
jrmy1080 said:
"You're the idiot. Learn to drive the speed limit. - Dutch"
How bout no and you get out of the way, if i haven't learned after about 12 or 13 speeding tickets and one costing me $3000 i'm not gonna learn so if you just move over i won't have to run you over.THANKS :smack:
Soylent Green. :yay:


lower life form
jrmy1080 said:
"You're the idiot. Learn to drive the speed limit. - Dutch"
How bout no and you get out of the way, if i haven't learned after about 12 or 13 speeding tickets and one costing me $3000 i'm not gonna learn so if you just move over i won't have to run you over.THANKS :smack:
My Dearest Jerm-ridden! Nelson the Nissan has a step-plate rear bumper. Somebody has already found out "the hard way" what that is. I don't ####in' hafta move over fer NOBODY!!!


We're all mad here.
jrmy1080 said:
"You're the idiot. Learn to drive the speed limit. - Dutch"
How bout no and you get out of the way, if i haven't learned after about 12 or 13 speeding tickets and one costing me $3000 i'm not gonna learn so if you just move over i won't have to run you over.THANKS :smack:

I don't have anything against people who drive a little over the limit, but certain people will tailgate you no matter how fast you're driving. I've come up upon vehicles on Route 2/4 in a 55 zone driving 30, yes- 30- in the fast lane. It's very frustrating, but I try to think of it like this: Why is he/she driving so slowly? Perhaps something is wrong with them (impaired or ill) and if I tailgate they may be more likely to stop suddenly and cause an accident. I used to be one of those dangerous, annoying tailgaters, but I have put it long behind me. Yeah, I know... :bigwhoop:, gimme a cookie-I should have known better in the first place. I just hope you'll see it's not worth it one day, hopefully soon. By the way, what the hell were you doing to get a $3000 ticket? :eyebrow:


New Member
Woodyspda said:
Karma quote:Why do you worry about it so much? How many accidents have you been in?

Well, let's see:

1. Location: Chancellor's Run
Stopped and waiting to make a left hand turn. My NEW truck had less than 800 miles and a 22 yo local decided to go around me but didn't realize until it was too late that there wasn't any road to the right of me. All he had to do was wait 15 seconds for traffic to clear on the otherside of the road.

Why do I worry about it???? Because people around here drive like idiots. I've never lived anywhere that I've seen so many fatal accidents. Drive by the tote board in Leonardtown sometime.

obtw.... sign your karma

"08-09-2007 07:05 PM Ha Ha loser"
Gee another idiot who doesn't sign karma and will more than likely have a closed casket funeral due to their disregard for others.... who'll be laughing then????


Infinite Impetus
People talk about SOMD and their drivers all the time. Try residing in NOVA or the immed. DC area. This isn't ####. Don't be timid, don't drive like an #######, and pay attention. Get off the phone, get off the stereo, stop gawking at the farmer's daughters and try looking at what you're doing on the road. As for speeding, anything over 60-65 on 235 is just stupid. Too many lights and too much traffic during the day. Common sense with driving, as with anything else, is all you need... unfortunatly that itself lacks in so many as is.. in SOMD and Everywhere