Spider in my cubicle


Normally, I couldn't care less about spiders.

But this bastard is a wolf-spider the size of a SuperBig-Gulp lid.

And he's hiding.

I think he's behind my UPS.



New Member
Toxick said:
Normally, I couldn't care less about spiders.

But this bastard is a wolf-spider the size of a SuperBig-Gulp lid.

And he's hiding.

I think he's behind my UPS.


Hide your curds and whey.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Toxick said:
Normally, I couldn't care less about spiders.

But this bastard is a wolf-spider the size of a SuperBig-Gulp lid.

And he's hiding.

I think he's behind my UPS.


I had one of those on the wall of my garage right as you go up the steps. He was about the size of my hand spread out. I eventually covered him with Raid. I think his shrivelled caracass is still on the floor of the garage.

But that's only because I want to be SURE he's not been faking it.

For two months.

I gotta be SURE.

But it probably helps to know that these guys, while scary as sh!t, are totally harmless.


I'd love to snap a picture of it - but I work on Webster Field and cameras, camera phones, and any other imaging hardware are not allowed without written permission.


Lem Putt
Toxick said:
Normally, I couldn't care less about spiders.

But this bastard is a wolf-spider the size of a SuperBig-Gulp lid.

And he's hiding.

I think he's behind my UPS.

:confused: All this time I thought you were a dude!


SamSpade said:

That is EXACTLY what is hiding under my desk.

I keep zinging bottlecaps down there, but I haven't seen any motion. Maybe he went away.

But I'm not sticking my face down there to find out.

When I got here he was on my desk. Without thinking, I plucked his little ass off my pen-holder, and he's been stalking me ever since.

I think I can hear it salivating.


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PREMO Member
virgovictoria said:
I pulled a :dems: on my last spider and compressed air his ass into a frozen ball...

Ah. You said "frozen".

For a second, I thought you "compressed air"ed him into a fiery ball.

Or even a watery-eyed, holding his breath ball.


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mkd20012001 said:
That picture freaks me out.

I checked out all the Wiki pics, and a few other sites. They ALL freak me out. Something about THIS kind of spider freaks me out. I see them ALL the time in the garden, mostly about the size of a half-dollar - but some bigger, and usually hiding under squash plant leaves. I remember that every time I go to pick squash.

I don't know why this spider gets me so much - maybe because I've seen them wild. Tarantulas are freaky, but almost all of the ones I've seen move very slowly and are behind glass. This one moves fast, scurries with all those feet - and unlike other spiders that trap their prey, this one chases them down, hence, the name wolf.


Pea Brain
PREMO Member
Toxick said:
I'd love to snap a picture of it - but I work on Webster Field and cameras, camera phones, and any other imaging hardware are not allowed without written permission.
:confused: Does this rule apply to everybody at Webster Field?


Pea Brain
PREMO Member
Toxick said:
As far as I know.

When I started here, they made it crystal clear that any form of camera is not welcome.
Interesting. I wonder if you've seen C_Jo? :eyebrow: