pixiegirl said:
Years ago, I lived in my sister's basement, to help her defray the cost of paying to live in her house.
The spiders down there weren't necessarily LARGE - but every last one of them were of the black widow type shape - large abdomen, thin pointy legs, glossy black color. Most of them had an abdomen the size of a large marble. I would find them EVERYWHERE - suddenly crawling quickly across my desk - next to the wall by my bed at night (and my bed was flush against the wall), scurrying over the armrest of my couch, scurry OUT from under the couch across my *feet*.
Needless to say, I had a hell of a time sleeping at night down there, sometimes, especially after killing about five or more of these - IN ONE DAY.
Of course, the very worst experience was going fishing out in Poolesville. I needed to go to the bathroom REALLY BAD - and my fishing buddy said he knew there was a bathroom in the general store.
Or should I say - AT - the general store. Yep, it was out back.
I went and in dropped trou so fast, I didn't have time to notice that I was almost completely surrounded by spider webs. I don't think I could have moved a muscle without distrubing a web somewhere. I must have counted about fifty decent sized spiders in there. Came out with more than just a few willies.
My buddy was giggling. He said, "see any spiders?" - he KNEW about them. He also asked if I checked under the seat. He told me then what I have never forgotten and have separately confirmed - under the seat is the very FAVORITE abode of black widows.
Oh this is creeping me out just writing about it.