Thank you...
...but there is more.
One suggestion from the left is to raise the income limit without a corresponding increase in benefits.
Right now SS is taxed on the first $90,000 of gross W2 wages. Donald Trump pays as much SS as a person making $90,000.
That's like saying, once again in 'progressive' jargon, that Donald should pay more for his cheeseburger so many of us don't have to pay more.
Another is to reduce benefits for the 'rich'. This is CLASSIC bait and switch. So, not only do we all pay into this ponzii scheme and not only should the rich pay more than their share but now that payday is coming, they, the rich, should ALSO get less.
Another is to index it to prices, not wages. This is going to CRUSH the very people we are told must have SS; lower income earners who save less. It would reduce the already paltry return by about a 1/3 in some estimates.