isn't this program going to cost over $200 trillion
I hope not. Perhaps you meant billion?
As far as the rest of your post, absorb Kens numbers for starters.
Social Security is a Ponzii scheme. The money people recieve in their monthly checks is coming from your and my paycheck, not from what they put in over the years. Your and my SS money when we retire will come from the same source, younger peoples paychecks.
The catch is how the number of people paying in to the system vs. those taking out has changed since FDR laid this egg over 70 years ago. There used to be 22 paychecks per retiree. Soon it will be roughly 2 paychecks per.
That means, obviously, that the people paying in will have to pay much, much more to cover the outlays.
Or cut benefits.
Or raise retirment age.
Or some combination.
Or, follow Kens recomendations which are the only ones that make ANY sense; give me half my payroll tax AND I release the government from owing me any SS benefits and keep the other half to keep the promise to people too old, say 45 and up who won't have time to save a decent amount.
For instance, if I, at 40, get to keep 1/2 my SS/Med payroll tax and I can earn 6% on my savings, I'll have, at 65, about the same amount of dollars IN MY SAVINGS, that SS would pay to me, in total, if I collected it until 80.
Think about that. I'll OWN it, I'll have it all at once and it can be left to my heirs.
And that's only keeping 1/2 my own damn money and that's relieving my kids and yours from paying a penny to me from THEIR paycheck.
No, imagine what a 20 year old can do? Or even 30?
Social Security needs to retire. the sooner, obviously, the much better. For EVERYONE.