St. Louis cops charged with beating undercover detective


Well-Known Member
Yes, but the whole of the citizenry takes precedence over the individual.

It's not a perfect world.

Okay, but I'm not following how this relates to police beating up another officer or those officers clearly having a disdain and plan to beat up demonstrators. The texts show a clear lack of professionalism at the least.

I'm just not understanding how their supposed oath to the citizenry as a whole relates to this.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Okay, but I'm not following how this relates to police beating up another officer or those officers clearly having a disdain and plan to beat up demonstrators. The texts show a clear lack of professionalism at the least.

I'm just not understanding how their supposed oath to the citizenry as a whole relates to this.

It's simple: St. Louis is a #### hole war zone and isn't going to attract the cream of the cop crop. Any police officer worth a damn will work in a decent area with decent people, not ####ville. Just like inner city teachers: if they were worth a damn they'd have jobs at a decent school. They are almost certainly from the area, so they are products of their environment. Who the hell goes from somewhere nice to be a cop or teach school in a ghetto? And if they do, they don't last long because bright eyed idealism has a way of collapsing under the day to day stress and danger of dealing with human scum.

If you want professional policemen, live in an area that attracts them.


R.I.P. My Brother Rick
Okay, but I'm not following how this relates to police beating up another officer or those officers clearly having a disdain and plan to beat up demonstrators. The texts show a clear lack of professionalism at the least.

I'm just not understanding how their supposed oath to the citizenry as a whole relates to this.

Probably because I wasn't responding to that. I was responding to this:

I don't know....police who swore an oath to the constitution to actually care about the constitutional protections afforded to the people they supposedly "protect and serve"?

Were you not referencing the individual?
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Well-Known Member
Probably because I wasn't responding to that. I was responding to this:

Were you not referencing the individual?

Yes. The individuals who were protesting. The individuals the police consipired to beat up under the cover of darkness as to not be identified. Police, after taking an oath to defend the Constitution, should not be actively seeking ways to subvert or belittle the Constitutional rights of citizens (to protest).

The question was "what do you expect". I expect police to uphold their oath to the Constitution and the protections it affords citizens. I also expect professionalism from the group of people we give WIDE latitude to when enforcing the law, so if a law is broken (example: protestors busting #### up), I don't expect officers to talk about beating people's asses as if it's a game.


R.I.P. My Brother Rick
Let me remind everyone that the person above just said that 35 year olds are basically infants.

I don't know....police who swore an oath to the constitution to actually care about the constitutional protections afforded to the people they supposedly "protect and serve"?

Police don't take an oath to 'protect and serve' individuals, it's the citizenry as a whole.

I won't take a side either way because I doubt we've been presented with unbiased fact.

Sort of. Assuming for a second what you said is true, wouldn't an individual be a prt of the citizenry?

Yes, but the whole of the citizenry takes precedence over the individual.

It's not a perfect world.

Okay, but I'm not following how this relates to police beating up another officer or those officers clearly having a disdain and plan to beat up demonstrators. The texts show a clear lack of professionalism at the least.

I'm just not understanding how their supposed oath to the citizenry as a whole relates to this.

Probably because I wasn't responding to that. I was responding to this:

Were you not referencing the individual?

Yes. The individuals who were protesting. The individuals the police consipired to beat up under the cover of darkness as to not be identified. Police, after taking an oath to defend the Constitution, should not be actively seeking ways to subvert or belittle the Constitutional rights of citizens (to protest).

The question was "what do you expect". I expect police to uphold their oath to the Constitution and the protections it affords citizens. I also expect professionalism from the group of people we give WIDE latitude to when enforcing the law, so if a law is broken (example: protestors busting #### up), I don't expect officers to talk about beating people's asses as if it's a game.

Sorry to correct you, I must have touched a nerve.


Happy Creepy Ass Cracka
St. Louis is actually two cities in different States.
East St Louis is a little rough and West St. Louis not so bad.

It's a bit like crossing the Anacostia River in Washington.

I don't know where you got these ideas. Have you lived there any time recently? I have and East St Louis is more than a little rough. It's like east side of the Anacostia. But St Louis,Missouri is not far behind East St Louis in decline and depravity.


God bless the USA
I don't know where you got these ideas. Have you lived there any time recently? I have and East St Louis is more than a little rough. It's like east side of the Anacostia. But St Louis,Missouri is not far behind East St Louis in decline and depravity.

Huh? People get confused because of the shared Kansas thing.
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Board Mommy
PREMO Member
The question was "what do you expect". I expect police to uphold their oath to the Constitution and the protections it affords citizens.

Good luck with that. The fact is that crime infested ghettos aren't going to attract the kind of cop you're looking for. They're off policing other cities. So you have a choice between low level cops who join the force to bust heads, low level cops who can't do any better, or no cops at all.

Monello and I talk about this all the time in our travels. Choices. You can be a cop in Paterson, NJ OR you can be a cop in Ogunquit, ME. Which do you suppose anyone worth a #### will choose?

Now, you may go with "no cops at all" and there's a case to be made for that; in fact it's the choice I'd go with. But society has decided that police must have a presence in the worst #### hole drug ghettos. And guess what? Andy Taylor isn't applying for that job - he's off in Mayberry where he can have a nice life for his family. Any Baltimore or NYC or St. Louis cop will tell you that they're spinning their wheels and just trying to survive to retirement. They know they can't make a dent in the crime and degradation of those cities. They can make little differences here and there, but by and large it's a soul-draining job.

And another thing: cities with bad cops happen because the city (and sometime state) government isn't any better. They're not in office to make their cities better and improve the lives of their citizens; they are there because it's easy pickins and they can get rich and powerful in their little fiefdom. All these bad cop stories you post have a common theme: they happen in #### hole ghetto cities that no decent person wants to live in. And if you walk it up the food chain from the cop to the police commissioner to the city council to the Mayor, and even further, what you're going to see is a big ball of corruption and cronyism and general lack of interest in anything other than power and money.

So I stand with, "What do you expect?"

black dog

Free America
That is a total lie put forth by intolerants like Gilligan and Gurps.
