St. Mary's County Schools


Happy Camper!
LEONARDTOWN, MD – All St. Mary's County Public Schools will be closed Tuesday, September 23, 2003. Employees will operate under Code 4. Code 4 means emergency personnel report on time for work; twelve-month employees report to work (liberal leave in effect); ten and eleven-month employees do not report.


Sorry about that chief.
Does anyone know why the &^$% the schools are still closed? We're the only place in the area that still has all the schools closed. They are even opening some schools without power.


Happy Camper!
Maybe because 35% + of the county still doesn't have power:shrug:
Maybe because St. George's Island and parts of Ridge are still flooded :shrug:
Maybe because the largest middle school still doesn't have power:shrug:


Sorry about that chief.
I don't think it is 35% of the county without power, last number I heard was 9,000 down from 50,000. 2 of the smaller districts underwater doesn't warrant closing the whole system. MoCo has some schools open without power. I just hate using snow days before it starts snowing. They already go to the middle of June. The school should make an attempt to open.


Happy Camper!
Originally posted by jlabsher
MoCo has some schools open without power.

I know I'm really going to send my son to school without power. That's a really smart thing for me to do especially when I have power at home.:rolleyes:


Sorry about that chief.
Sorry I mentioned it folks. Guess you won't mind it when the kids are going to school through the end of June. I know my kid wants to go to school, I guess some folks were too shaken up by the storm to get back to a routine yet.


Happy Camper!
Originally posted by jlabsher
Sorry I mentioned it folks. Guess you won't mind it when the kids are going to school through the end of June. I know my kid wants to go to school, I guess some folks were too shaken up by the storm to get back to a routine yet.

Oh my son wants to go to school too, he woke up this morning begging me to take him to school. But until all of the roads are clear, electricity back and things straightened out, I think it's wise to keep the schools closed. And when they do open schools, where are those without electicity supposed to shower???


Sorry about that chief.
All the roads won't be "clear" and all the 'lectricity won't be back on until next week. So for the minority of the students we give the whole county a week off? As far as kids showering, I wasn't aware that any municipal water supplies were offline.

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
Originally posted by jlabsher
I don't think it is 35% of the county without power, last number I heard was 9,000 down from 50,000. 2 of the smaller districts underwater doesn't warrant closing the whole system. MoCo has some schools open without power. I just hate using snow days before it starts snowing. They already go to the middle of June. The school should make an attempt to open.
From SMECO's website: As of 6 am, there were still 3,700 customers without power in St. Mary's.

Granted, this is not a large number, but there are still roads that are blocked by trees and downed power lines. I myself only got power back last night. I can't imagine getting kids ready for school without power or running water.

Somebody with kids told me yesterday that these days off don't count against 'snow days' as a state of emergency was in effect, so they won't have to be made up. Anybody know if this is true?


Don't quote me on this but the PTA Mom's are saying that when the Gov. declares a state of emergency the kids do not make up the missed days. Just what I'm hearing through the grapevine.


Happy Camper!
Originally posted by jlabsher
As far as kids showering, I wasn't aware that any municipal water supplies were offline.

EEEWWW City water. I have a well. And when I don't have power I don't have water. LHS is and has been open for the public to come and take showers until 9 pm.


But wait, there's more...
Originally posted by tys_mommy
LHS is and has been open for the public to come and take showers until 9 pm.

I'm sure a few of the guys on this forum will be sneaking over the rafters to get a peek in at the girls showers knowing that. :lol:


But wait, there's more...
what was her name? :banghead: I keep thinking "Ballbuster" for some reason ... think maybe they called her that :confused:
Originally posted by jlabsher
As far as kids showering, I wasn't aware that any municipal water supplies were offline.
I wasn't aware that the entire county had municipal water. Silly me, I thought that the vast majority of the county still depended on wells. With no electricity, they had no pump for the well, no pump = no water.:rolleyes: