Here is a copy of the Parks & Rec proposal to do something about youth football in St. Marys.
Mr. Rollins briefed the Board on staff’s proposal for St. Mary’s County Youth Football. This proposal is being brought forward in part as a result of an incident that happened at Fifth District Park last November during a football game. Under this proposal, RP&CS would serve as the league administrator for the new program. Community based youth football organizations would be established in the northern, central, and southern areas of the County. The primary purpose of these organizations would be to establish football and cheerleading teams in various age and weight divisions; fundraise to support their organizations; register youth in their areas for these teams; and purchase, maintain and store team equipment.
These community organizations would enter teams into a County-wide league and the league would be administered by the RP&CS Department. The Department would establish league age and weight divisions (to be determined) and supervise weigh-ins; establish league rules and regulations; assign practice facilities; prepare game schedules; coordinate the scheduling of officials; supervise game fields; and provide other league administration. Football organizations would pay an annual "franchise fee" to the Department for each team entered into the league. This fee would be used to pay for referees, site supervisors and other league expenses. A committee or board would be established to work with the Department and provide input on establishing rules and regulations, establish age and weight categories, etc. Staff thinks this will take the load off a few people and spread the responsibility more equitably.
This proposal for youth football league administration is modeled after successful programs in Charles and Calvert Counties. Both Counties have managed youth football in this way for many years (Mr. Rollins was involved in establishing this model in Charles County more than 25 years ago). There is another youth football organization that wishes to get started in the County; but, staff feels that having two separate leagues competing for players and limited facilities will present additional problems. The Southern County Youth Football group has agreed to support the County proposal and join the St. Mary’s Youth Football league if plans for implementation more forward.
Staff has met with Charles and Calvert County park officials and is prepared to move forward with implementing this for the fall 2006 season. Members of the Pigskin program and the new Southern League would be invited to work with the County to develop the new league. The hope is that many of these current league officials and coaches will become the community youth football organizations. However, due to the nature of this sport, if some members of these leagues choose not to participate in the proposed program, the Department does not recommend that public fields be made available to them (this is the way Calvert and Charles Counties handle this).
There will be County costs associated with the new program. The Department will need an additional FTE position in FY07 to help handle the football league administration (and to help manage the Raising Community Standards Initiative with other youth sports leagues). Staff has also proposed that $25,000 in County funds be made available annually to fund a scholarship program for low and moderate income families who are unable to pay the full fee for participating in football or other youth sports programs. Also, if the existing Pigskin league/teams choose not to participate in the new football league, the County may have to provide start up loans to the community youth football organizations to purchase football equipment. Staff feels that this proposal, along with the Raising Community Standards in Youth Initiative, will provide accountability and significantly improve the youth sports environment.
Robert Richardson asked if staff would be going out to communities to explain the new program. Mr. Rollins stated that information will be provided to citizens through the media and then meetings would be held in different geographic areas of the County to inform citizens about the plan and to solicit information from them.
Patrick Dugan stated that he had a daughter in the Pigskin Cheerleading program and was dissatisfied. He decided not to stay in the league, but didn’t think of turning to the County to solve the problem. Mr. Harper stated that since the current league is using County facilities the public perception is the County should be able to provide some assistance when problems arise.
Dorothy Gass stated that her child played in the Pigskin Football League for several years. As a parent, she didn’t think she could speak up when she had complaints for fear of future ramifications.
Sam Brown expressed support for staff’s proposal. He felt the same group of dedicated parents would be part of the operations of the new league and be part of the committee helping to set the rules and regulations.
Robert Harper motioned, seconded by Robert Richardson, to endorse the Recreation, Parks and Community Services proposal for the St. Mary’s County Youth Football League and Cheerleading to include the proposal to hire one full-time staff person in FY07, for $25,000 in funding for the youth sports scholarship for low to moderate income families, and be prepared to underwrite the start-up expenses of the league if needed with the understanding the program would become self-supporting. Motion carried with all in favor.
Staff plans to present the proposal to the BOCC on Tuesday, February 7, 2006 for consideration; Board members are encouraged to attend.