Star or angel?


Happy Camper!
At home an angel b/c I think I saw it in the store and thought it was beautiful. At work, a star to be politically correct. Although, to be totally PC I guess we shouldn’t have a tree at work.:frown:

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
An angel. I have a beautiful crocheted one. I think it's just traditional from my family. We always had an angel topping our tree and I just kept on with that.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Tonio
What do you top your Christmas tree with, and why?
An empty beer can!

Cause the full ones make the top droop over.


Asperger's Poster Child
Originally posted by tys_mommy
At work, a star to be politically correct. Although, to be totally PC I guess we shouldn’t have a tree at work.:frown:


Seriously, I don't see how a star would be "politically correct." It's still a Christmas tree, not a Philip Glass Non-Denominational Non-Offensive Tree, with ornaments of Kyle and Stan dressed in black body-stockings.

My idea of PC is the blather about "Happy Holidays," which is somebody's pathetic idea of trying to be inclusive. In my workplace (non-government) we had someone give a Christian prayer before our annual awards dinner. Unlike some of the extremists in the ACLU, I think this is fine. But also, unlike some of the extremists in the Christian Coalition, I think we should recognize other religions during such an event. We have Jews and Hindus working here as well as Christians, and if I ran the dinner, I would ask one person from each of these faiths to say a short prayer before the Christian prayer.


New Member
Originally posted by Tonio
What do you top your Christmas tree with, and why?

The ceiling. Cuz every freakin year, mom swears she's gonna get a smaller tree. She doesn't realize yet though that SHE is shrinking!

Bertha Venation

New Member

Here's a Christmas poem, written anonymously by Carol Burnett for her high school (or was it jr. high?) newspaper:

i wisht i was a x-mas star
purched atop a tree
people would come from near and far
cuz of how bright i'd be
i'd shine all night, i'd shine all day
a lovly sight to see
and folks would look at me and say,
"we shoulda got a bell"


Not dead yet.
I've had both over the years. No preference, both were present on that first Christmas night.:biggrin:

Once I heard a funny story about how the angel got put on top of the Christmas tree, but that's not appropriate here.


Redneck fish finder


:biggrin: It goes with the nautical theme of my tree

At home we use an Angel, when we had one on our deck in Frederick, we used a lightup star, and at work we use a plastic Michael Jordan head that I think came off a tube of candy. You should see our office tree. Equal opportunity offending going on there. We even have a Jack Daniels miniature bottle hanging from the tree (in back).


But wait, there's more...
Originally posted by Nanny Pam
I have a star, but I really wish I had an angel.

:duh: alright ... if we can swing it, I'll sit on top of the tree when I get there, but it's gonna hurt like heck! :frown:

oh, and I have neither ... I have this pretty santa clause lookin' dude with a long robe and beard holding a sack of stuff and a club. It's more "festive" than my redneck description, but I'm not much on words this morning. :ohwell:
Originally posted by crabcake
:duh: alright ... if we can swing it, I'll sit on top of the tree when I get there, but it's gonna hurt like heck! :frown:
She said angel, not dinglehopper. Get it straight.


Cleopatra Jones
We have an angel at my mom's house. When I had my own trees I never had anything. I don't know what I'll get when I get my house.... I'd like an angel but all you ever see are blonde ones. I won't have a blonde angel I want a brunette one DAMNIT! I may have to do some imprivising and dye one's hair. I've been looking for liek 4 years now with no luck. :frown:
Originally posted by pixiegirl
We have an angel at my mom's house. When I had my own trees I never had anything. I don't know what I'll get when I get my house.... I'd like an angel but all you ever see are blonde ones. I won't have a blonde angel I want a brunette one DAMNIT! I may have to do some imprivising and dye one's hair. I've been looking for liek 4 years now with no luck. :frown:
Saw one at WalMart a couple of weeks ago.