Star or angel?


Asperger's Poster Child
Originally posted by pixiegirl
I'd like an angel but all you ever see are blonde ones. I won't have a blonde angel I want a brunette one DAMNIT! I may have to do some imprivising and dye one's hair. I've been looking for liek 4 years now with no luck. :frown:

Yeah, what's up with that? George Carlin once said something similar. I don't know why angels are designed according to the Aryan stereotype.

We discussed this in one of my college classes in the media--when Smurfette was first introduced on the Smurfs, she was an evil temptation designed by Gargamel to lead the Smurfs to their doom. She was originally a brunette. When she was transformed by magic to a good Smurf, her hair changed to blonde.

If my daughters saw that episode, would they assume that all non-blonde litte girls are evil beyatches?


But wait, there's more...
Originally posted by Tonio
when Smurfette was first introduced on the Smurfs, she was an evil temptation designed by Gargamel to lead the Smurfs to their doom. She was originally a brunette. When she was transformed by magic to a good Smurf, her hair changed to blonde.

is it just a coincidence that when she went blonde, all intellect left her smurf brain and she couldn't devise a plan, much less tell all the other smurfs just wanted to boink her. :ohwell:


Asperger's Poster Child
Originally posted by crabcake
is it just a coincidence that when she went blonde, all intellect left her smurf brain and she couldn't devise a plan, much less tell all the other smurfs just wanted to boink her. :ohwell:

Uh oh, here comes Vrai with her Forum flamethrower... :lol:


Loyalty, Friendship, Love
I like angels because I've never seen a really beautiful star, that I like.

Growing up we had a star with an angel on it.


But wait, there's more...
Originally posted by huntr1
Got emptied at an office Christmas party many years ago.

i'll lend ya my empty pint of jack when I finish 'er off at lunch. *hiccup*