Starbucks FIRES Disabled Veteran For 50 Cent Discount


Pea Brain
PREMO Member
ImPops said:
Second of all, employees can use their discount when purchasing beverages for their family & friends.
If this is true, then he was wrongly terminated and should sue Starbucks. :coffee:


Occasional User
Anaystar said:
hes NOt diabled!

How do you know for sure? I know plenty of folks who were retired from the service with a disability and collect a tax free check each month because of it. You would not know any of them are disabled. They don't walk with a limp or have any limbs missing, but they are disabled in other, not-so-obvious ways,


Pea Brain
PREMO Member
Anaystar said:
He WASN'T wrongly terminated. He DID give his discount and that's why he was fired
Then why the eff did Pops say this?

ImPops said:
Second of all, employees can use their discount when purchasing beverages for their family & friends.
Can you READ?