State Bill Would Expand Black History Jan.& Feb

I got a response!!!


THis is what I sent to the bozo's sponsoring the bill... as well as our 3 delegates - wonder what kind of response I will get back from them? :bigwhoop:

Sent: Thursday, February 07, 2008 2:28 PM
To: ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''

Cc: ''; ''; ''

Subject: 2008 HB-418

Being a life long Maryland resident, I have sat back for years watching laws enacted, some good – some bad. Today I read that House Bill 418 for year 2008 is about to go through its first reading on February 20, 2008 at 1pm. I am utterly surprised and can only speculate as to why this bill is being introduced. Here is my thought;

Black history month is federally recognized for the month of February and has been so for years. I have always believed Black History month should have been the month of January to honor the great Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. – but this is my humble opinion. I ask why would the state of Maryland, by its lonesome in the United States of America, want to extend this to include the month of January. What good does this do for the Maryland taxpayer? What road are you trying to trail blaze with this type of useless legislation?

The only thing I can figure is elections for your seats are on the horizon, and in the tail end of your term, you are pandering for the minority vote. If this senseless legislation is enacted you can stand in front of the people you represent (mostly black) and say “look what I have done for you!” This is obviously a ploy to have another term to rape the state taxpayers of their hard earned money to do nothing except to dream up more useless legislation and laws.

Is this what my increase of taxes are going toward? I find it rather racists to the non-Black tax paying residents in Maryland, i.e; Asian, Hispanic, White, etc. I also find it nauseating this legislation was drafted and being proposed on our dime!

I have a novel idea, as Delegates sponsoring this bill and who introduce laws, why not open the law books and review what laws we currently have in place and discuss these with the people who you represent. See what can be improved or removed! I am sure more time could be devoted to a worthy cause unlike this. As House Delegates you are the voice of the public with our best interest in hand. Here is a suggestions; how about cutting your salaries to help lower that gas tax which will reflect lower prices at the pumps – EVERY Maryland citizen could benefit from this, not just one race.

I got a response from one of the bill sponsors!!! Guess what she said???

RE: 2008 HB-418
Pena-Melnyk, Joseline Delegate []

To: clevalley

Thank you for expressing your views.



I replied back;

Thank you for your heartfelt response!

I am also forwarding this to Senator Middleton so he is aware of the silliness in the House of Delegates.

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Just got a call from Delegate Jill Carter's office - her staffer passed on "when the bill is read on the 20th she will keep an open mind based on your comments"

uh-huh - :duh:

Who said they did not read their e-mails! :lol:


"Typical White Person"
Just got a call from Delegate Jill Carter's office - her staffer passed on "when the bill is read on the 20th she will keep an open mind based on your comments"

uh-huh - :duh:

Who said they did not read their e-mails! :lol:

Yeah she is one of the knuckle heads sponsering this fine piece of legislation.

BILL INFO-2008 Regular Session-HB 517

MOCO/PG/Baltimore make this state a Sh!thole, too bad we can't just give them away or something.


NOT Politically Correct!!
Oh lookie, some dumb a$$ trying to scare little old me with karma...

Bring it gutless biatch... :elaine:

Ayo pops, word out on the skreet is theys be plannend to make Mareland a colored's folks only stake. When that be's happenend my brovas and dem thunk yous might likes ta stick a round fo' a lil while.