State o' the Union


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
She's killing me! Talking about how Bush has failed on Homeland security...when we haven't been attacked since 9-11 so whatever he's doing must be working. :killingme


Dancing Up A Storm
vraiblonde said:
Get ol' Sheila Jackson Lee up there. :lol:
I think I saw Sheila Jackson Lee tryin' to score points with the President as he was leaving the chamber. Backslapping and exchanging pleasantries.

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
vraiblonde said:
She's killing me! Talking about how Bush has failed on Homeland security...when we haven't been attacked since 9-11 so whatever he's doing must be working. :killingme
It's really too soon to determine that. Airline security is better, but our borders are still weak. I think he needs to spend more effort on that. I hope, in 4 more years, that can be improved.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Bustem' Down said:
It's really too soon to determine that. Airline security is better, but our borders are still weak. I think he needs to spend more effort on that. I hope, in 4 more years, that can be improved.
:killingme You've GOT to be kidding me!

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
I'm serious. I used to live in Norfolk, only a fraction of the container ships coming into port are inspected. On the base, we had drill in the event that one was a floating bomb and even had a scare once when one lost steering control. Also, my home state of Texas is also proof. Every day hundreds of illegal immigrants cross the border. The border patrol can't get them all. I used to work with some in construction. I'm not saying it's a compleat failure. Not by far. I just think that a little more effort should be put in that direction.


Well-Known Member
vraiblonde said:
She's killing me! Talking about how Bush has failed on Homeland security...when we haven't been attacked since 9-11 so whatever he's doing must be working. :killingme
Prior to 9/11, on a large scale, when was the last time the USA was attacked?


Dancing Up A Storm
Two last thoughts, then I'm going to bed:

The unrehearsed affection that the Iraqi woman and the fallen Marine Sgt's mom shared was priceless. If you read about it in print, it can't convey the emotion these two women shared.

I watched Hannity & Colmes after the address, and I have to say I was disgusted with Alan Colmes. He seemed nothing short of a weasel; he did his best to attempt to shoot down, or dismiss every issue Pres. Bush offered up to the American people. He didn't have the grace to applaud the President once on what he had to say, not one good thing that could be mentioned, eh?
May you rest in peace Democrats.
Airgasm said:
Prior to 9/11, on a large scale, when was the last time the USA was attacked?
I'd say when the World Trade Center was car bombed under Clinton's watch.

When the USS Cole was bombed, under Clinton.

When the U.S. Embassies were bombed in multiple African countries at the same time, under Clinton.

Kohbar (sp) towers, under Clinton.

OK, so none of these were on the same scale as 9/11, but then how many terrorist strikes have been? If ANY of them had been taken even close to seriously enough, I don't think 9/11 would have happened.


Football season!
huntr1 said:
I'd say when the World Trade Center was car bombed under Clinton's watch.
The other items you mention can happen just about anywhere and we have little control over them. But here on our soil it is a different story. So you're saying that on Sep.10, 2001 you were telling everyone that clinton must be taking action since we haven't been attacked here again since the earlier WTC bombing? Only time will tell if our actions today will help us in the future. Hopefully they are helping.


Football season!
Penn said:
Yep, GW was strong, he had conviction, and I didn't hear him flub a sentence neither(SmallTown :lmao: ).

He sounded like a president
Well damn he's had 4 years, about damn time :lmao: :killingme

I didn't get to watch much of it. I was sitting here cranking out more code but I had the TV on in the other room so I could hear some of it. But like you, I said to myself "wow, he actually sounds presidential!"

So was there anything said that got a standing ovation from the entire "audience", or was it all one sided?

One thing I did chuckle about when I did get to watch was there was one point where there was a big applause from the crowd and one of the military guys started to do a light clap then looked around and quickly stopped. Guess he was caught up in the moment. Must be tough to hear every person behind you clapping and just sit there and do nothing.
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Routinely Derailed
I didn't watch the address, but I did read it this morning, and I can tell it must have been a very successful address. One thing I hope is that the multiple calls for bipartisan unity will be heeded and that we can get a few things done as a united nation - sounds starry-eyed, but that's what I hope for.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Airgasm said:
Prior to 9/11, on a large scale, when was the last time the USA was attacked?
Good point. But the fact remains that after 9-11 the Democrats spent a good amount of time hoping for more attacks so they could go, "See? This is George Bush's fault!" And now that 4 years have passed and we're still waiting for Armageddon, they're still at it, only now they're practically fabricating attacks to support their psychosis. Talk about desperate.

And booing the President when he was talking about Social Security! Booing during a State of the Union address!!!! For years and years, ever since I can remember, the Democrats have #####ed and moaned about SS with all these fear tactics about how the money will run out by x date. Now Bush wants to revamp it and suddenly SS is just peachy.

Who votes for these freaks?


Joe Biden won the embarrassed clapping award when he started clapping alone when Bush started talking about healthcare, and by chance Fox had a camera on him when he did it.

I saw quite a few times that many Democrats, not all, got up and gave a standing ovation with the Republicans. Usually they'll only get up and cheer for the "official" ovations like praising America or the troops. But quite a few were getting up for economic, education, and social security. That was surprising.

I really liked how Bush quickly turned the tables on the booers about Social Security! Outstanding job! They sure shut up in a hurry.

I haven't read any comments on Reed's rebuttal. What a crock! His opening story about how a 10-yr old boy in his hometown came up to him last week and said "Senator Reed, when I grow up I want to be just like you." Yeah... a 10-yr old boy is really likely to have ambitions of being a Senator, and would really come up and say that out of the blue. Who was this kid? Alex P. Keaton? :bs: If pols are going to continue to make up these personal encounter stories, they should at least make them half-way believeable.

And did you catch all the God name dropping going on between Reed and Pilosi? Who do they think they're kidding? And all of the "we support our troops, and want them to have the best of everything" comments... sure rang hollow given the voting record of the Dems on defense spending.