State of the Union


New Member
Yuck, so sad that YOU adults elected him. That really shows how you guys know how to pick a leader...O wait thats right...he didn't win.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Hit a lot of points that are hard for anyone to be against. Gave the date of 5 February when the Security Council will see what he knows and what must be done.


Football season!
Originally posted by Hessian

Oppose all you want names, mock leadership....get used to it because we have the majority, we earned it, and we'll keep it...mostly because you are irrelevant, unfocussed, bitter, sniveling, toady, mocking, self absorbed, shallow,...gee, I could go on for a while.

Better find more dead people to vote to keep up the illusion that you can win elections....

Talk about calling names, then you call them whiners. Uhm, ok.

"irrelevant, unfocussed, bitter, sniveling, toady, mocking, self absorbed, shallow,...gee, I could go on for a while."

Hmm, republicans weren't so sure of themselves a few years ago. Amazing what winning one election cycle can do for the moral of a party.

while many of my views lean towards the right, it is the attitiude you just portrayed which keeps me from wanting to call myself a republican. Embrarassing.
For all Dems, don't read much into what Hessian has to say. He doesn't speak for the majority of the republican party.

like any politician, he tells us what we want to hear. Lets hope his domestic agenda proceeds as stated.


Well-Known Member
Oh Puleeeeeze!
Do not try to say you lean toward republican!!! I have seen your positions....if you call yourself a republican then you'll be one of those spineless "moderates" who watch polls, and don't have the fortitude to say what is right and wrong.
Another Connie Morella...We don't need !

Stay with the Democrats where you feel comfortable and you belong!
Help raise that socialist weeny to hate America, chant, demonstrate, be angry...while the rest of us earn a living.


Football season!
And I said it before about lauren's man, and I'll say it again after seeing Bush tonight... I HAVE to get me a blue tie... Sharp...

Best line of the night:
"All told, more than 3,000 suspected terrorists have been arrested in many countries.

And many others have met a different fate. Let's put it this way: They are no longer a problem to the United States and our friends and allies. "


Football season!
Originally posted by Hessian
Oh Puleeeeeze!
Do not try to say you lean toward republican!!! I have seen your positions....if you call yourself a republican then you'll be one of those spineless "moderates" who watch polls, and don't have the fortitude to say what is right and wrong.
Another Connie Morella...We don't need !

Stay with the Democrats where you feel comfortable and you belong!
Help raise that socialist weeny to hate America, chant, demonstrate, be angry...while the rest of us earn a living.

Thanks for supporting my notion about you. As always, when one goes against just a single thing that a person thinks their party stands for, they are part of the "other side".

I would say I have a greater ability to see right from wrong, unlike many who follow mindlessly with what their political leaders tell them to think.

Again. thanks for backing by claim as to why I don't label myself a republican, or a democrat.

As for your last piece, I don't recall anywhere saying I hated america, people should chant, or demonstrate (though they are legally allowed to, especially seeing the BIG pro-life group that showed up recently to protest)


Well-Known Member
I am sorry I don't have the patience of Vraiblond to cut and paste all of your positions

"As always, when one goes against just a single thing that a person thinks their party stands for, they are part of the "other side".

YOU cannot claim that you differ on ONE issue. You likely winced and squirmed uncomfortably at a dozen different things Bush said tonight.

That reference to the socialist weeny is the tot who is yipping and wimpering at the door waiting for the day he can change America into a socialist utopia
(SMC....) I don't know who is in charge of his education but obviously someone has been skipping History class or is taking it with a teacher who drives a VW bus and has a bong in his office.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I thought Bush himself did well but the laundry list was bull. If he thinks I'll support giving MY money to a bunch of AIDS-ridden morons, he better think again. That socialized healthcare business can just go right out the window too.

But I have to say, SMC, that you are one of the more vapid people I've ever run across in these forums. Your youth and idiocy don't even amuse me anymore.


Football season!
Originally posted by Hessian

YOU cannot claim that you differ on ONE issue. You likely winced and squirmed uncomfortably at a dozen different things Bush said tonight.

Nope, didn't wince one bit. Well, ok... I winced twice, but not at Bush's speech. My first wince was when I saw the First Lady. I have always liked her because she always looks nice. But the outfit she had on tonight just did not do her justice. No, i'm not saying she should wear the outfit shania wore at the superbowl, but, damn...

My other wince is when they showed daschle during the speech. I couldn't tell if was was taking a dump in his chair or what. Didn't seem to be a very happy man.

I thought it was funny a couple of times when Bush would say something and get a standing ovation, from the republicans. He would look over to the dem side and give his little smirk like "Bite me dems, we're in charge now..."


Well-Known Member
I noticed that too...snickered every time they panned over to the D side of the Aisle. (Wish they'd do a couple more close-ups of the smug/glum ones)..

Stunned that two or three time Hillary rose to applaud and the rest of her adoring fans didn't rise with her! She will be taking names when she reviews the tapes!

What do you think...from the applause & Partial Birth abortions finally ended?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
That's another issue I have with Bush - he said during the campaign that, if elected, partial-birth abortion would be one of the first things he focused on. Hello! It's been two years!


I thought the most noticeable thing during the speech was that Queen Hillary was sitting next to Lieberman and not Kerry. That's bad news for the Kerry fans... looks like he is not the prodigal son.:biggrin:


aka Mrs. Giant
I really wanted to watch it - watched the first part - fell asleep - and woke up in time to hear Hannity go at. Ugh - Back to sleep. I felt like the first part of speech - many things had a double meaning or a hidden agenda - wants a job for every person that wants a job - hold on - shouldn't that be a job for every person?! And how the heck does he think he can prevent wildfires by throwing money at them? Does he control the weather? And how is giving money to Africa for aids going to help us at home and cure aids? And why did he leave it hanging after mentioning that America supplies a lot of the world's food stuff - shouldn't he have referenced N Korea? I don't know - maybe I was too tired too watch, but I felt disppointed and a little confused.


Forgive him Bluto. He's just a kid and doesn't know any better. He probably had to wipe stained peas off his keyboard before he could type those comments.:biggrin:


b*tch rocket
Originally posted by migtig
And how the heck does he think he can prevent wildfires by throwing money at them? Does he control the weather?

I believe he may be alluding to removing the restrictions on logging National Forests. There is many who believe that the recent forest fires in the National Forests could have been prevented if we had done a bit of logging and clearing. I'm not too spun up on the whole issue, just remember the debate going back and forth on it a while back.

Overall I thought the speech was good. I'm more looking forward to the address he gives after we shame the UN into action.

I am absolutely opposed to 6 BILLION dollars being squandered on a Continent that cares very little about helping itself. I'm really fed up with being the World's Charity. It will get passed though, since not a single Democrat or Republican would be brave enough to stand up and oppose such a PC measure. :burning:

As an aside, one thing that really burns me up are all these countries out there blaming the United States for their disease and starvation. They cry because the US isn't sending them "enough" food and medicine. North Korea is the perfect example. They hate us, have hated us, will probably always hate us, yet we strike a deal to feed their people if they'll stop their nuke program. North Korea would have NO problem feeding their people if they stopped spending every dime on building up their military for the sole purpose of destroying South Korea and the United States. :rolleyes: Same with friggin Iraq. Boo Hoo, their people are starving because we've cut off their AID. Who's fault is that? Why is it our responsibility to take care of our enemies? :confused:


The proven history is that well-armed starving people tend to engage in military adventureism that we get dragged into wether we want to or not. That's why it's easier to help keep them fed than to have to jump through the hoops and hurdles needed to fight them.

I agree that sending dime one to Africa to combat AIDS is a waste of money. They don't need money, what they need is to make some drastic societal changes. Until they do that all we're going to do is blow a lot of US bucks on medicating and ever growing number of sick Africans.


Originally posted by SmallTown
Nope, didn't wince one bit. Well, ok... I winced twice, but not at Bush's speech. My first wince was when I saw the First Lady. I have always liked her because she always looks nice. But the outfit she had on tonight just did not do her justice. No, i'm not saying she should wear the outfit shania wore at the superbowl, but, damn...

I didn't see the President's speech last night, so not seeing her televised, I may have missed something :shrug:, though the pictures they have been showing in the Picture Galleries on CNN and The Washington Post, I thought she looked lovely. Of course the photos don't show the full dress, but I thought her makeup and the color of the dress were very nice.


endangered species
You ready for my take?

I'm glad to see he's finally getting a clue regarding alternative energy. Now we'll see if he really can make it happen. If he does, we'll probably create more jobs with that seed money than all of his tax cuts.

How do caps on malpractice awards = reduced frivoluos lawsuits??

Ban human cloning? OK, depends how it's written. There may be some valuable science to be learned with research. Let's not shut it down completely.

That "let me put it this way..." bit sent shivers up my spine. Not just the words, but the look on his face. It seemed like he was trying to come up with a sneer to appear all tough, but he never quite got the normal smirk off his face. Scary.

PROJECT BIOSHIELD? Sounds like Austin Powers. Or maybe a deoderant.

Terror info clearinghouse? Don't we have 3 or 4 of those already?

"Ideology of Domination"? I was confused about who he was talking about there. Is that us or somebody else?

A very interesting comment- talking about Iraq, and running down the list of dangers, Bush points out that a maniac with "great potential wealth" is a danger. I just thought it was an interesting point.

"Liberty is God's gift to humanity". Too close to a religious crusade. I've got no problem with liberty, but it's a vague term. I imagine this will piss off Hosni and the guy in Jordan, and the Saudi's.


New Member
Are you guys ready? Let's start the whining in the opinion of Hessian, who sees the Democratic Party as a bunch of invalids.

President Bush opened the speech that he delivered last night with the statement that Washington needed to practice fiscal discipline. Yet he continued to propose massive tax cuts as well as increased spending even though the deficit is steadily increasing. I have been criticized as a member of the fiscally irrresponsible party, but what about the GOP? I just cannot believe that the budget has gone from record surplus to record deficit.

Hydrogen idea: great idea and noble calling. But I am not sure just how vigorously an oilman, elected for and by oilmen, would pursue such a goal. I'm thinking that that was all about the public relations.

I don't even want to talk about the tax cuts. If we are in a deficit, we need to choose between cutting almost all forms of spending or increasing taxes. But the administration thinks that despite the deficit, we can increase spending AND cut taxes. Things just don't work that way. We all have to balance our checkbooks and so should they. A question to the supporters of the balanced budget amendment: Do you still support it after all of this?

Health Care reform is a good thing and any form of it would be beneficial. The President's plan does less than universal coverage but I will be glad when it is enacted. At least we will get some action on the subject. I support attempts to make the government pay for the health care of the middle class because too often they are forgotten during reform measures. We always look at the poorest and the richest but never them. We need Health Care reform, but the President's plan falls significantly short of the full potential of such reform. Private insurance companies are just as bureacratic as the government except the private sector is out for greed and personal gain.

The one part of the speech that I truly listened to and the one that I agreed with the most was the portion about Iraq. They do need to be stopped, not just because of the threat that they could pose but because of their human rights record. Hell Bush did so well in this part that even I want to attack Hussein AND North Korea. And I am not being sarcastic.

Overall grade for the speech though is still in the average to below average range for me due to the severity of our domestic problems in America and the President's lack of action on them. Yes, he has great rhetoric but time and time again his actions are that of a stone-hearted conservative and not the compassionate one that he says he is.


endangered species
...and what was that bit about how the tax cut will reduce a $40,000 wage earners taxes to $45? Are we supposed to believe that?