State Senator for 29th District


New Member
There appears to be two candidates for State Senator for the 29th district. A Democrat with a disorder and an alternate life style that affects about 10% of our population and a RINO (Republican In Name Only). The Democrat who will have no children wants to control the life of your kids. He is not respected by the members of his own party and is often shunned by them. The RINO is very short tempered and on a power trip. How do you guys feel about these two bozos? Why can’t Southern Maryland come up with some candidates.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Republican said:
Why can’t Southern Maryland come up with some candidates.
Because anyone with any sense already has a job that they don't want to give up to spin their wheels in the MD legislature.

I know I wouldn't run - would you? :shrug:


Lem Putt
Republican said:
There appears to be two candidates for State Senator for the 29th district. A Democrat with a disorder and an alternate life style that affects about 10% of our population and a RINO (Republican In Name Only). The Democrat who will have no children wants to control the life of your kids. He is not respected by the members of his own party and is often shunned by them. The RINO is very short tempered and on a power trip. How do you guys feel about these two bozos? Why can’t Southern Maryland come up with some candidates.
Are you going to run, or are you also a RINO?


New Member
I have been a Republican forever!! :howdy: A State Senator is a payed position but not very much so I can not afford to run for office. You have to have a seperate agenda like the RINO. :wench:


New Member
Republican said:
There appears to be two candidates for State Senator for the 29th district. A Democrat with a disorder and an alternate life style that affects about 10% of our population and a RINO (Republican In Name Only). The Democrat who will have no children wants to control the life of your kids. He is not respected by the members of his own party and is often shunned by them. The RINO is very short tempered and on a power trip. How do you guys feel about these two bozos? Why can’t Southern Maryland come up with some candidates.

Speaking of RINO's what about the two county commissioners for St. Mary's. One from the north and one from the south. They are both against property rights and oppose tax relief and succumb to the agenda of a local tabloid. You say the Republican Senate candidate is a RINO, does a RINO propose a 15% tax credit on the property tax bill?


Asperger's Poster Child
Republican said:
A Democrat with a disorder
What's the disorder? I suspect most Maryland Democrats see him as a DINO because he's more socially conservative than they are.


New Member
Footballfreak said:
Speaking of RINO's what about the two county commissioners for St. Mary's. One from the north and one from the south. They are both against property rights and oppose tax relief and succumb to the agenda of a local tabloid. You say the Republican Senate candidate is a RINO, does a RINO propose a 15% tax credit on the property tax bill?
There are no true Republicans on the current Board of Commissioners, however if you are a Republican you will note that one is much better than all the others. You sound like you have succumb to the agenda of the local press. The individuals you claim are against property rights is totally false. :buttkick: I ask you who do you think is holding maintaining the balance between budget and your required services. The RINO will not be a Commissioner when the 15% credit kick in. Check out about the waste management problem coming up. You will not find a solution in the RINO's Budget :smack:


New Member
Republican said:
There are no true Republicans on the current Board of Commissioners, however if you are a Republican you will note that one is much better than all the others. You sound like you have succumb to the agenda of the local press. The individuals you claim are against property rights is totally false. :buttkick: I ask you who do you think is holding maintaining the balance between budget and your required services. The RINO will not be a Commissioner when the 15% credit kick in. Check out about the waste management problem coming up. You will not find a solution in the RINO's Budget :smack:

The 15% credit kicks in this tax year. Effective for the 2006 property tax bill and is a one time credit to help return a fund balance to the citizens. Also, if you read the proposal you would see $1,000,000 in there for a transfer station in St. Mary's similar to the one in Calvert to deal with the waste issue. Maybe you should take a few minutes to read the proposal. By the way the government should not be a for profit entity and if there is nearly 20 million dollars in a fund balance, somebody better be proposing a rebate to the citizens.

As far as succumbing to the local press, I got my information from the actual proposal not the paper. If you take the time to attend one of the town hall meetings regarding the McKay proposed budget you too could get a copy of the proposal.

When it comes to subcumbing to the press, you need not look too far. The commissioner from the north has totally given the paper he writes for.


New Member

Quick question. You appear to know much about the local Republican party. Can you tell me how to get involved with the local party? It being an election year, the imy interest is obviously peaked, so I want to put my money where my mouth is and get involved. I would appreciate any help you can give me. Thanks


Asperger's Poster Child
Republican said:
He is reportly gay, which I consider a social sickness.
While I disagree with your opinion of homosexuality, I also think you're entitled to your belief. I heard that rumor many years ago. It has never been a factor in how I vote.

I agree with you that his teen driving bill was based on big government. But I never saw that as him "wanting to control the life of your kids." I saw it as him just wanting to use government to cure problems that can only be cured by individuals.
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New Member
Footballfreak said:
The 15% credit kicks in this tax year. Effective for the 2006 property tax bill and is a one time credit to help return a fund balance to the citizens. Also, if you read the proposal you would see $1,000,000 in there for a transfer station in St. Mary's similar to the one in Calvert to deal with the waste issue. Maybe you should take a few minutes to read the proposal. By the way the government should not be a for profit entity and if there is nearly 20 million dollars in a fund balance, somebody better be proposing a rebate to the citizens.

As far as succumbing to the local press, I got my information from the actual proposal not the paper. If you take the time to attend one of the town hall meetings regarding the McKay proposed budget you too could get a copy of the proposal.

When it comes to subcumbing to the press, you need not look too far. The commissioner from the north has totally given the paper he writes for.

I got a copy and I do not see much depth to the purposal. This is what happens when one of a team goes out on his own for his own purposes. :wench: I will not be going to the DPS, no need. The real work begins shortly by the real crew. If I were a commissioner, I would pay down the county debt as a means of saving. Also, I would look into maintaining the constance yield reducing taxes. A million dollars is not even in the ballpark in the solution to the solid waste problem. A complete new proposal is goimg to be required to solve this problem. Wonder what Waste Management running the Calvert County site has to do with our new problem. :whistle: A one time rebate that will be will have to be made up next year is not in the best interest of the County. Again it looks like Mckay is bailing and will stick it to the set of Commissioners. Wonder if he thinks he can save the County an its State Senator. :elaine:


New Member
Tonio said:
I agree with you that his teen driving bill was based on big government. But I never saw that as him "wanting to control the life of your kids." I saw it as him just wanting to use government to cure problems that can only be cured by individuals.
WOW, I love your insight. :jameo: Check the thread "letter to Dyson" for another example. :howdy:
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New Member
Footballfreak said:

Quick question. You appear to know much about the local Republican party. Can you tell me how to get involved with the local party? It being an election year, the imy interest is obviously peaked, so I want to put my money where my mouth is and get involved. I would appreciate any help you can give me. Thanks
What level do you want to enter at. From your postings, I considered you one of the few McKay supporters. :smack: If not there are several organizations to get involved with. Check to get started.


Asperger's Poster Child
Republican said:
Roy Dyson the current State Senator :howdy:
He flatly denied it in an interview following the suicide of Tom Pappas back in the '80s. He's never been married and he still lives with his mother, but I don't know any more than that about his personal life. Maybe he's simply emotionally immature, like the 40-Year-Old Virgin.


Loyalty, Friendship, Love
Republican said:
There appears to be two candidates for State Senator for the 29th district. A Democrat with a disorder and an alternate life style that affects about 10% of our population and a RINO (Republican In Name Only). The Democrat who will have no children wants to control the life of your kids. He is not respected by the members of his own party and is often shunned by them. The RINO is very short tempered and on a power trip. How do you guys feel about these two bozos? Why can’t Southern Maryland come up with some candidates.
I think they are both children who have been fighting over the same ball in the playground for the last four years.
(M: "But he started it. :tantrum:")

I'll tell you what, I'll run if you all will fund my campaign.

For the record, I'm a fairly conservative Democrat. I registered as a Dem at the age of 17, knowing that Maryland was a Democratic state and I wanted as much say in my government as I could get. And although my thinking has gotten more conservative as I get older, I abhor people who jump the party ship when it gets rocky...(speaking of our county commissioners :rolleyes:)