Stay-At-Home Wife Gets Backlash For Saying Husband Will Have To Pay For' The Luxury Of Having Her Available 24/7'


PREMO Member
stay at home wife, tiktok

For the haters, she has an important message. “Everything about me screams luxury,” the woman argues in a follow-up video.

“Having the luxury of watching me clean your home, having the luxury of me making and serving you homemade meals, having the luxury and the privilege of watching and participating in me doing the nasty. It’s all a privilege.”


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Well-Known Member
The cut-n-paste is not the same story as the thread topic :sshrug:

EDIT: I see you fixed the link...
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Board Mommy
PREMO Member
What's wrong with that? People who've never been a SAH think you lay around eating bon bons and watching Oprah all day, but that's not even close to true. I stayed home when my kids were small and occasionally their father would want to gripe about having to go to work while I "laid around all day". So we'd compare notes on what we did that day and I was almost always way busier at home than he was at work. And me staying home was his idea! :mad:

I think she's smart to set up a private account and make her husband sign a pre-nup saying he'll support her financially if he gets a wild hair and runs off with the barmaid. That's the biggest peril of being a SAH - the husband decides to "find himself" and leaves you and the kids high and dry with no means of income.


Well-Known Member
Wouldn't the "luxury" of him having a SAH wife also be HER DECISION TOO? Did he shackle her to the refrigerator?
If she cannot live without a career and he cannot live without her being a SAH... they shouldn't be living together. Simple!


PREMO Member
“Having the luxury of watching me clean your home, having the luxury of me making and serving you homemade meals, having the luxury and the privilege of watching and participating in me doing the nasty. It’s all a privilege.”

This screams arrogant narcissist


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
This screams arrogant narcissist

So you don't think having someone to clean your house, cook your meals, do your laundry, and raise your kids is a luxury?

This is the problem with guys like you - you think you're entitled to this stuff. Never occurs to you that it's a job for someone else, you take it as your due that you get for free and don't have to do anything in return. I mean, why not? Your mom did for you and you never had to give back - why shouldn't all women be your servants?



Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
Gurps, what does your wife think about you posting all these dating and marriage threads? Does she agree with your take on them?

Just curious. :sshrug:


PREMO Member
Gurps, what does your wife think about you posting all these dating and marriage threads? Does she agree with your take on them?

Just curious. :sshrug:

WTF is your point, what are trying to imply, why do you care what my wife thinks


Well-Known Member
WTF is your point, what are trying to imply, why do you care what my wife thinks
Yet another typical daily forum member. The slightest bit of resistance to your message and it's all out "GFYS" or "WTF is your point..." :killingme
My guess is that the wife doesn't mind once the extra aggregator bucks start showing up. :yay:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
A luxury ... No that is a partnership ...

Having a SAH wife in this day and age is a luxury. Not only do most men not earn enough to afford it, most women don't want to do it. It is a privilege, not a right.

You say it's a partnership, and you're right - they both agreed that this is how it was going to be. So why are you busting on her for their arrangement? Jealous that you'll never get a woman like that?

Some of you guys are such sexists and woman haters it really surprises me any woman was ever self-loathing enough to marry one of you.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
WTF is your point, what are trying to imply, why do you care what my wife thinks
Ummm... my point was to ask what she thinks? You typically have such a myopic point of view on these topics, and she seemed a very opinionated strong-minded woman, as most women I know. Wondered how she thought on things like this, since you said that young woman sounded like an arrogant narcissist.



Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
Having a SAH wife in this day and age is a luxury. Not only do most men not earn enough to afford it, most women don't want to do it. It is a privilege, not a right.

You say it's a partnership, and you're right - they both agreed that this is how it was going to be. So why are you busting on her for their arrangement? Jealous that you'll never get a woman like that?

Some of you guys are such sexists and woman haters it really surprises me any woman was ever self-loathing enough to marry one of you.



Well-Known Member
Although I think these people deserve whatever happens in the future as they agreed upon it as adults, I still think the guy is a schmuck for agreeing to it.
Right now, He gets the "luxury" of a SAH mom who cooks, cleans, and looks after the children. In return, he ensures she is sheltered, fed, warm, clothed, has transportation, and is entertained.
In the future, if either decide to call it quits, he now pays the same or more, and gets NOTHING in return.
So... WHO exactly is getting the short end in this arrangement?