Stuck with a bad boss?



I read this as "suck" with a bad boss :crazy: Too much reading today, my eyes must be crossing. :lol:

I would wait him out. He may just be really crabby right now as he's getting older and facing retirement. If you really like it that much there just imagine how much nicer it would be when he leaves and retires. There's nasty bosses in a lot of places and if you left, you might find one even worse. :shrug:


New Member
voter said:
Am I the only one? I need to get another job. But I really like what I do. my boss just $uck$. he has zero managment skills he is totally unqualified. He was only moved up because he is as old as Moses and his boss is Noah. I could keep going but it would only bore you.

You are not stuck with a bad boss you choose to be there. No one makes you do anything. The best advice is find another job or suck it up.

MY mom was in the same situation and I told her the same thing. I told her she can quite no one is making her stay there. She is only making herself stressed out and miserable everyday that she is there.

Maybe this is why I won't work for anyone.. When I did work for people I told my bosses up front that this job is just for extra money and I don't need the job I work because I wanted too. I also told them that I have kids that will come first.. And I tell you this every job I interview with I got hired. Everyone like the fact I was honest with them upfront and they can sense I don't play games with people.
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Chain729 said:
Nice try, but unless you're having an episode (usually manic, mixed or hypomanic, though some get irritable with depression) it has nothing to do with being bi-polar. :lmao:

I know. I'm part of that club.

Ok, maybe its the Irish blood :shrug: Don't know, but I don't do so well with people telling me what to do. Never have and probably never will.


Well-Known Member
Mousebaby said:
Ok, maybe its the Irish blood :shrug: Don't know, but I don't do so well with people telling me what to do. Never have and probably never will.

I'm the same way.......but as long as the person is decent and they're paying me, I don't have a problem with it.


Methodically disorganized
Mousebaby said:
Don't know, but I don't do so well with people telling me what to do. Never have and probably never will.
Same here - only with Russian blood, not Irish.

I am in the exact wrong type of job for my personality because I have all sorts of people telling me what to do.

Thus, why I started my own business. :biggrin:


cdsulhoff said:
You are not stuck with a bad boss you choose to be there. No one makes you do anything. The best advice is find another job or suck it up.

I even started this thread at home on my lunch break. I am "sucking it up" because it pays very well and the income is good for my family. I am in the process of starting something up so I don't have to be so dependent on employers.


New Member
voter said:
I even started this thread at home on my lunch break. I am "sucking it up" because it pays very well and the income is good for my family. I am in the process of starting something up so I don't have to be so dependent on employers.

I am soo hearing you on that. My mom Join me in me venture with Lia Sophia. But her work was working her to death.. Well she put in her notice to quit and the boss said she that she will only put her down for 3 days a week. My mom said fine. Well Guess what not even 3 weeks gone by and she put her back on a full schedule that my mom so don't want.She told the stupid *itch that she only was hired as part time and if she had problem fill in time slots then she need to hire more people. I swear.

My hubby is part owner of a garage door business and Like I said I have my own Lia Sophia business. Where I sell Jewelry to ladies and have home parties. I love it. I am actually making money at it as well. I make an average of $300- $400 per show a show can last around 3 hours... My June schedule I have about 4 home shows and 6 catalog shows so I should make around $3,000 - $3,500 for June month.. And July will most likely be more..

All I am saying is that you choose you own path follow your heart it will lead you in the right direction..

When I have girls that complain that they are not making money but sit on their lazy azzes and not doing show I tell them that " You can make money or you can make excuses you can't do both". A friend said that one day and I stole it from her and used it ever since...LOL I tell you I buss my butt to get these shows. I am so glad that I found this company. I started out thinking I am just doing this to keep me busy and it is now turning out to be the best darn thing I ever did..

So good luck I hope everything works out for you.. Just don't let it interfere with your happiness!!!!


Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience
cdsulhoff said:
...When I did work for people I told my bosses up front that this job is just for extra money and I don't need the job I work because I wanted too. I also told them that I have kids that will come first.. And I tell you this every job I interview with I got hired. Everyone like the fact I was honest with them upfront and they can sense I don't play games with people.

When I was working HR, this would have earned you a, "Thanks for your time. I still have several interviews to conduct."

I would be thinking,"Thanks for wasting my time, but I have to find someone who wants to work and advance their career."

You must've held some really important positions. :yay:


Well-Known Member
PrchJrkr said:
When I was working HR, this would have earned you a, "Thanks for your time. I still have several interviews to conduct."

I would be thinking,"Thanks for wasting my time, but I have to find someone who wants to work and advance their career."

You must've held some really important positions. :yay:
Right on :yay:


New Member
PrchJrkr said:
When I was working HR, this would have earned you a, "Thanks for your time. I still have several interviews to conduct."

I would be thinking,"Thanks for wasting my time, but I have to find someone who wants to work and advance their career."

You must've held some really important positions. :yay:

Well, I guess I was just lucky to have wonderful bosses that interviewed me!!! Actually all my bosses were great. I liked each one of them . Plus I didn't go to places that weren't Family friendly!!! Meaning places where they don't care if you have a family that they want your job to be #1. I don't work for people who makes you choose between your job and your family. Because Like I said before My family is number # 1. My hubby owns a company so I don't need to work I do it for the hell of it..
I tell you what every boss I had said that I was their best employee.. because I came and did my job to the fullest. When I was 17 years of age I was going to be promoted to management at my very first job.. They were waiting until I turn 18. I turn it down because I did not want that kind of headache.. I have no Patience for lazy people who comes to work and complains about working.. I also have no patience for people that are late to work all the time.. These are my 2 pet peeves for work.


New Member
Oh dearest Karma giver, Sorry you feel that way. Personally I really could care less what you think. However, I have the proof in my account. And yes I can prove I make $400 per show!!


Baby blues
I haven't seen my boss since last week. I think he's on travel. :shrug:

Even when he's here, he could care less what I do as long as my job gets done. :yay: I'm liking that.

I get a new boss next week. They are switching up the organization of the depts. She's two buildings away and I'm not sure that she even knows who I am. Or if I exist. :biggrin:

That's good, though, cause I don't do well under micromanagement.