Stuck with a bad boss?


CageKicker Extraordinaire
cdsulhoff said:
Well, I guess I was just lucky to have wonderful bosses that interviewed me!!! Actually all my bosses were great. I liked each one of them . Plus I didn't go to places that weren't Family friendly!!! Meaning places where they don't care if you have a family that they want your job to be #1. I don't work for people who makes you choose between your job and your family. Because Like I said before My family is number # 1. My hubby owns a company so I don't need to work I do it for the hell of it..
I tell you what every boss I had said that I was their best employee.. because I came and did my job to the fullest. When I was 17 years of age I was going to be promoted to management at my very first job.. They were waiting until I turn 18. I turn it down because I did not want that kind of headache.. I have no Patience for lazy people who comes to work and complains about working.. I also have no patience for people that are late to work all the time.. These are my 2 pet peeves for work.

Heh... I'm the second one- I'm horrible with time. And on a daily basis, I leave later than I meant to and the company gets time from me that I don't ask to be paid for. :shrug: My pet peeve is that it's more important to be on-time than it is to actually do anything- and I'm dead serious. I honestly don't get it.

Beyond that, I'll keep my mouth shut. "Chain" is a nickname for a nickname that I earned at work of all places :lol:


Baby blues
Chain729 said:
... My pet peeve is that it's more important to be on-time than it is to actually do anything- and I'm dead serious. I honestly don't get it...
Good point. I know plenty of people that are punctual as can be, even eat their lunch right at their desks. They don't DO anything, though.


CageKicker Extraordinaire
Tinkerbell said:
Good point. I know plenty of people that are punctual as can be, even eat their lunch right at their desks. They don't DO anything, though.

Yep. Then they go to the boss and b**** about how I was late. And, they have NOTHING to do with the project I'm on, or would ask someone else instead of me anyway :shrug: