Study says women “want” men that drive a Prius


aka Mrs. Giant
I must be in the 27% that disagrees with this. I figure if you have a fancy car you have good credit. If you have an exotic car, you have champagne taste. If you have a fast car, well, you have death wish. :shrug: If you drive a prius, you are a wimp who gets sand kicked in his face at the beach.


Power with Control
Coworker of mine drove a Prius for a while, always said he "got more tail" driving that than when driving his truck. Of course, by the fact that he used that term tells you something right there, I think :) Cant speak to the veracity of the statement, being an old married guy, we didnt hang out. I never figured my vehicle would have anything to do with what my chances might be with any given woman, would sort of hope it was me, and not a piece of machinery that would do the trick.


New Member
I think it's quite sexy when a person is conscious and cares about the environment as much as is within their ability to do so.

I think it's very unsexy when a person is ostentatious.


Well-Known Member
I think it's quite sexy when a person is conscious and cares about the environment as much as is within their ability to do so.

I think it's very unsexy when a person is ostentatious.



Power with Control
I think it's quite sexy when a person is conscious and cares about the environment as much as is within their ability to do so.

I think it's very unsexy when a person is ostentatious.

So, would my +50mpg motorcycle and my 15mpg car cancel out?


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Heard today: when a Prius drives by, it sounds like it's saying I'mmm Gaaaayyyy.... :lmao: