Stupid Racers


New Member
How can you say that the boy that was driving the vic should be taken the blame when grown ass people should not of been out there doing stuff they know is not right .Also everyone is asking why was he driving with suspended lic like thats why those people were killed like they all were victims they were out there doing something wrong also so if they were at home they would still be here so everyone that was there needs to be charged and blamed for all the deaths and injuries that happened.For the lady that told the news channels that she had enough time to get her child out of the way but not her father needs to have social services on her ass asking alot of questions like why would you have a child out at that time of night watching something that is against the law.And for everyone that has so much detail on how fast he was going and he was driving with no lights on if you had time to get all that detail why did you not get out of the way also if your hearts are hurting so much for this people why are you not telling on the two drivers that were racing.You all are guilty and need to be charged with the deaths this was premeditated so you all know was going on there.STEP UP AND BE WOMAN AND MEN TAKE IT GUILTY AS CHARGED AND STOP TRING TO TAKE THE SPOTLIGHT OFF OF THE WRONG YOU ALL WERE OUT THERE DOING BY PUTTING THE DRIVER OF THE ACCIDENT ON THE HOT SEAT !!!!!!!!!!!


only because he was driving without a license, no license means you should not be on the road ........ same thought process is used when prosecuting drunk drivers ... if your drunk you should not be driving, and if you are your wrong ...



Obama destroyed America
I'm not even going to read your piss poorly written post. I believe you're saying that the person driving a car illegally, who plows through a crowd of people killing 8, should not be blamed.

You have the IQ of a bag of hair. :smack: :buttkick: :bonk:


R.I.P. Bobo, We miss you!
How can you say that the boy that was driving the vic should be taken the blame when grown ass people should not of been out there doing stuff they know is not right .Also everyone is asking why was he driving with suspended lic like thats why those people were killed like they all were victims they were out there doing something wrong also so if they were at home they would still be here so everyone that was there needs to be charged and blamed for all the deaths and injuries that happened.For the lady that told the news channels that she had enough time to get her child out of the way but not her father needs to have social services on her ass asking alot of questions like why would you have a child out at that time of night watching something that is against the law.And for everyone that has so much detail on how fast he was going and he was driving with no lights on if you had time to get all that detail why did you not get out of the way also if your hearts are hurting so much for this people why are you not telling on the two drivers that were racing.You all are guilty and need to be charged with the deaths this was premeditated so you all know was going on there.STEP UP AND BE WOMAN AND MEN TAKE IT GUILTY AS CHARGED AND STOP TRING TO TAKE THE SPOTLIGHT OFF OF THE WRONG YOU ALL WERE OUT THERE DOING BY PUTTING THE DRIVER OF THE ACCIDENT ON THE HOT SEAT !!!!!!!!!!!

Did you miss the 104 page thread hashing out the same comments over and over. :doh: Time to move on, truth will eventually come out.


Has confinement issues..
I'm not even going to read your poorly written post. I believe you're saying that the person driving a car illegally, who plows through a crowd of people killing 8, should not be blamed. You have a piss poor ability to search the forums for an existing thread on this topic and you probably jerk off in your mother's bathroom.

You have the IQ of a bag of hair, a sack of hammers, or a box of rocks. :smack: :buttkick: :bonk:

You're welcome M.:yay:


New Member
I'm not even going to read your piss poorly written post. I believe you're saying that the person driving a car illegally, who plows through a crowd of people killing 8, should not be blamed.

You have the IQ of a bag of hair. :smack: :buttkick: :bonk:

Yes the comments were written poorly,but sometimes even poorly written comments have a good point or two in them.

If these folks feel so badly about those killed,why havent they told the names of the racers. Certainly they know who they were.

Of course they wouldnt have gotten hit if the person on the suspended license hadnt been driving, but that doesnt excuse the fact that if these persons hadnt been in the road they wouldnt have gotten hit either.

I agree the lady who was lucky enough to get her child out of the way shouldnt have had the child there in the first place. The child should have been home in bed, the lady and her dad would have been better off at home in bed too.

Certainly we know that all at the scene knew well before the race that it was to take place, and that it was illegal, it matches the definition of premeditation , although I am not sure that is enough to hold them all responsible for a death. Even though Ipso facto they are.

Not everyone who is uneducated has a lack of intelligence,not everyone can express themselves in the finest way, but everyone has a right to enter their opinion in these forums and this persons opinion has some good points ,IMO.


Obama destroyed America
Yes the comments were written poorly,but sometimes even poorly written comments have a good point or two in them.

If these folks feel so badly about those killed,why havent they told the names of the racers. Certainly they know who they were.

Of course they wouldnt have gotten hit if the person on the suspended license hadnt been driving, but that doesnt excuse the fact that if these persons hadnt been in the road they wouldnt have gotten hit either.

I agree the lady who was lucky enough to get her child out of the way shouldnt have had the child there in the first place. The child should have been home in bed, the lady and her dad would have been better off at home in bed too.

Certainly we know that all at the scene knew well before the race that it was to take place, and that it was illegal, it matches the definition of premeditation , although I am not sure that is enough to hold them all responsible for a death. Even though Ipso facto they are.

Not everyone who is uneducated has a lack of intelligence,not everyone can express themselves in the finest way, but everyone has a right to enter their opinion in these forums and this persons opinion has some good points ,IMO.
I didn't deny its right to voice its opinion. I pretty much stopped reading after the first incomprehensible sentence, then I voiced my opinion.

How many posts/threads do we need on these morons?


New Member
im going out to play on rout 235 tonight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! cant find a babysitter so im takin the kids with me.i got beer!!!!!!!!!! anyone else want to party???????????ps!!!!!!!1 its gonna b dark so make sure you dont hit us in the middle of the road!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!if you do its not our fault.................. its yours.. so if i get dead someone is in trouble!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! send REDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD