Yeee hawww
Originally posted by vraiblonde
That has not been my experience. We have mega rules at our house and I wouldn't describe any of my kids as rebellious. They might have snuck around and done things we wouldn't approve of, but I consider that part of the growing up process. To me, rebellion is when they cuss you or act out right in front of your face - "You can't tell ME what to do!"
We don't hit our kids or anything like that - they fear our disapproval more than anything. And they REALLY hate having to call their aunts or grandparents and tell them what bad thing they did. <---- That's a little trick I picked up from my Mom.
When you let kids do something, you're condoning it. Some parents have the attitude of, "Well, you can't stop them - might as well let them do it." That's wrong. You CAN stop them. You can make it so it hurts and embarrasses them incredibly to disappoint you.
Disappointing my father was the worst punishment I could ever have. My father and I are father never yelled at me whipped me, punished me etc...yet I was more afraid to disobey him. My mother and I on the other anger and frustrations I took out on her. She would punish me, gound me, (neither of my parents ever hit, unless it was a smack on the mouth for back talking) I look back now and realize how petty, immature and disrespectful I was.
Saying more rules cause more rebellion...I am meaning. I have always noticed and learn from myself....that the families who have strict rules were the children who acted out more when they were away from the parents then the ones who had less rules. I have cousins who's parents are strict and they are constantly curious on "what would happen if I did this", "I really want to try that.." etc. They are sheltered...which makes them more curious in my opinion..and curiosity kills the cat, in other words that child would disobey to fullfill they curiosity.
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