Super Staph in Calvert County?



Bean Machine said:
Has anyone heard of any news of people in Calvert contracting the "super" staph infections recently?

What do you want to know about it? Why do you ask? :coffee:


MLGTS08 said:
I want to know what it is.

Its called MRSA (medically resistatant staph something or other) but if you google "MRSA staph infection" you should be able to get some hits.
dems4me said:
Its called MRSA (medically resistatant staph something or other) but if you google "MRSA staph infection" you should be able to get some hits.
WTF... is this our Dems telling someone else to use Google...:lol:


kwillia said:
WTF... is this our Dems telling someone else to use Google...:lol:

The googling of forumites, I saw wasn't working for this person :lol:


New Member
Hate to tell you but it has been in st. mary's also. A client was in the shop with it about 2 weeks ago and she lives in lexington park.
Sheardelight said:
Hate to tell you but it has been in st. mary's also. A client was in the shop with it about 2 weeks ago and she lives in lexington park.
It's highly contagious... she had no business being in a beauty shop contaminating everything...:twitch:


Salt Life
Sheardelight said:
Hate to tell you but it has been in st. mary's also. A client was in the shop with it about 2 weeks ago and she lives in lexington park.
Okay, it wasn't me...even though I was in there about 2-3 weeks ago. :lol: