Lenny said:
Everybody's ability to fight an infection like this is different. When you are under more stress than normal, or you are debilited by acute or chronic illness, your immunity is weakened giving the "opportunistic" organism an "opportunity" to establish a foothold.
You were very fortunate that HA-MRSA in the the neck didn't kill you. There are very few natural fascial planes in the neck to slow the spread of the infection. That's why they had to go in again and irrigate the tissues.
It almost did kill me.

One dr. wanted to go in immediately and irrigate and the other doctor said no way, I would never make it through surgery because I was rapidly decling. So then we had to wait a painstaking day or two for the vancomycen to start kicking in and hoped that that would work. RiverRat was thoughtful and posted blow by blow action during all of this Live from the hospital in my forum

Eitherway, its nothing to mess with, the MRSA was rapidly spreading and had even pushed my trachea/windpipe over to the left and they kept a tracheaotomy kit nearby at all times. I was told not to laydown or anything because they were worried about mywindpipe collapsing. I was drugged up, I didn't care, I just remembered wanted a ciggerette during all this, then towards the end thought I was really dying

It seemed like forever before I was stablized with the vancomycen. I LOVE vancomycen

I definately wouldn't have made it without that stuff!!!

With MRSA I found out you need to act QUICKLY, I didn't wait too long to go back to ER either (I went back within 24 hours of coming home from surgery), had I waited a few days??