Sheardelight said:
Well we suspected she had it and told her to immediately go to the hospital which she did, and she called us later to cofirm that she did indeed have it. I heard it originated in calvert from a wrestling team at one of the local high schools.
I think it originated everywhere from a staph bacteria and not being properly taken care of with antibiotics (stopped taking too soon, etc..) and their became a strain that is resistant now to most antibiotics. It's all over the world at this point and has been aruond I think since early 1990s. What I don't understand is how she can have it, and have it be a MRSA infection no less but not near death?

Where was it located?
The reason I ask and its not much of a secret is because I've had MRSA myself. I had half my thyroid removed in early March in Calvert this year and within 24-48 hours I was COMPLETELY succumbed to a MRSA infection in that area and was on highpowered antibiotics (vancomycen) by IV, I was hooked up to hospital via IV for about 4 days getting rid of it.
I had huge swelling in my neck from the infection, soo much it had pushed my trachea over and I had a tracheotomy kit near my bed at all times during my hospital recovery from this, they ended up opening my neck back up and irrigating it directly and doing a culture. After I was eventually released and coming back to life, I was told it was MRSA Heavy staff growth - culture read "**** THIS IS MRSA**** HEAVY GROWTH****" I was closely followed up on for the next few months and released with a good 2000MG a day between two more antibiotics for A LONG TIME.
I can safely say I'm 100% MRSA free. But it almost killed me, so I wasn't sure how she can be up walking around and about and "think maybe its MRSA". Obviously if hospital says it is, it is, but I don't understand how some can be life threatening and some can't :shrug: I just know mine was really, really bad, and I have some witnesses to it, I don't remember ALOT of peices during all of this. I was really out of it. Definately not out going to beauty shops and all
Good luck with your friend, if she wants someone to talk to, pm me and I'll give you me email address and phone number. She must be going through alot right now and having lots of fears and questions. I'm here if she wants to talk with someone that's gone through what she's going through.