Support Joe Wilson.....


Habari Na Mijeldi

"I followed the orders of the Republican leadership and apologized."

-Joe Wilson, responding to questions concerning his hypocritical apology to the President of the United States, Barack Hussein Obama, September 2009.


Lovin' being Texican

"I followed the orders of the Republican leadership and apologized."

-Joe Wilson, responding to questions concerning his hypocritical apology to the President of the United States, Barack Hussein Obama, September 2009.

Thanks for the link. I threw him $500.00.


I bowl overhand

"I followed the orders of the Republican leadership and apologized."

-Joe Wilson, responding to questions concerning his hypocritical apology to the President of the United States, Barack Hussein Obama, September 2009.

And why is it do you think, that Obama accepted this HYPOCRITICAL apology as quickly as he could.. hoping the whole ordeal would be forgotten by today??

I heard his apology, and he didn't apologize for calling the President a liar, he apologized for the decorum and place he did it in.


Main Streeter
"Former Marine Rob Miller, Wilson's likely opponent in 2010, collected more than $500,000 in new campaign contributions between the Wednesday outburst and Thursday afternoon,"

Read more: Lawmaker's outburst typical in South Carolina

Half a Mil in a day. Not bad.

Regardless of political beliefs, Wilson's behavior the other night was just wronge. Most of us were taught that at a very young age. Even my 10yr old knew it was wronge when he saw what happened.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Half a Mil in a day. Not bad.

Regardless of political beliefs, Wilson's behavior the other night was just wronge. Most of us were taught that at a very young age. Even my 10yr old knew it was wronge when he saw what happened.

I saw him briefly on Hannity while I was flipping channels last night. They showed a clip I remember - the Democrats booing Bush during his State of the Union address. He then went on to mention Reid's namecalling of Bush calling him a "liar" and a "loser" and not apologizing for it. Then I watched something else. I don't need reassurance that the Democrats are rude towards Republicans; only that they're singularly hypocritical about it when they're on the receiving end.

The really funny thing is - I HAVE SEEN THIS CRAP BEFORE. When Clinton became President, Republicans were harsh to them, not surprisingly - and the Clintons had this horrified reaction as though the Democrats had been nothing but sweet and kind to the Republicans for the previous twelve years! I mean, it was laughable. I think the funniest part was during the campaign and Gore sneered about the press making personal attacks, whereupon Dan Quayle responded "has anyone seen MY press for the past four years?".

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I don't support Joe Wilson's actions. He could have called Obama a liar afterwards and explained why.

I do support Joe Wilson's sentiments. We're NEVER going to get good leaders, of either party, as long as we are willing to accept people like Obama and Bush; self serving idiots who have no interest in being straight with us.


New Member
Half a Mil in a day. Not bad.

Regardless of political beliefs, Wilson's behavior the other night was just wronge. Most of us were taught that at a very young age. Even my 10yr old knew it was wronge when he saw what happened.

I went to Steny Hoyers Town Hall. We had to listen to Steny drone on and praise his Health care initiative for 20 minutes, Then they introduced a Dais of 4 other clowns they dug up to praise it even further,. There was no speaker from the opposite side only a loaded Hoyer and his picked sycophants praising this thing to the hilt.

It is extremely hard to sit there and listen to lie after lie without being given a chance to speak yourself. No chance to offer rebuttal.

I can understand Wilson's shouting out Liar. Obama IS a liar.

The House has a way to punish him for shouting out like that,but Nancy has said they wont use it. Do you have any idea why they wont use it??

Because they can't punish the man without bringing out the fact that Obama was lying..

Joe Wilson for Congress
P.O.Bx. 2145
Columbia S.C. 29171

I havent got $500.00 to send Mr. Wilson, but I can spare a 5 spot.


NOT Politically Correct!!
Great Job Joe in stating publically what many Americans already know, God Damn America is such a great country!!! :buddies:


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
It is extremely hard to sit there and listen to lie after lie without being given a chance to speak yourself. No chance to offer rebuttal.

Kind of what I said on here before - the reason why people shout is because their representatives talk over them, refuse to listen, ignore them and lecture them. Basically, the reasons most people take to shouting.

No surprise, there.


24/7 Single Dad
I don't support Joe Wilson's actions. He could have called Obama a liar afterwards and explained why.

Then ONLY the folks on FOX might have seen or heard any dissent other than "the Republicans are trying to stop progress." He got coverage on all the state media by doing it at the joint session.
I applaud Wilson for calling Obama a liar to his face :clap:

Was watching CSI last night and during a commercial, the CBS (Ch.9) news guy was suggesting that it was racially motivated.


Habari Na Mijeldi
$700,000 and rising

Half a Mil in a day. Not bad.

Regardless of political beliefs, Wilson's behavior the other night was just wrong. Most of us were taught that at a very young age. Even my 10yr old knew it was wrong when he saw what happened.

"CNN's Joe Johns apparently decided that their viewers didn't need to know just how much money has been raised for Rep. Joe Wilson's opponent for his House seat in 2010 during this segment from AC360. While it is true that Rob Miller raised $200,000 overnight, at the time this segment aired, Miller was already right about at the half million mark, and it's now pushing $700,000 and rising. :yahoo:

If he hits a million in a day or two maybe these guys will be forced to finally report it.

If you'd like to help that happen you can donate to Rob Miller here

Video & text at source: CNN Misrepresents How Much Money Was Raised for Joe Wilson's Opponent Rob Miller | Video Cafe

Larry Gude

Strung Out
"CNN's Joe Johns apparently decided that their viewers didn't need to know just how much money has been raised for Rep. Joe Wilson's opponent for his House seat in 2010 during this segment from AC360. While it is true that Rob Miller raised $200,000 overnight, at the time this segment aired, Miller was already right about at the half million mark, and it's now pushing $700,000 and rising. :yahoo:

If he hits a million in a day or two maybe these guys will be forced to finally report it.

If you'd like to help that happen you can donate to Rob Miller here

Video & text at source: CNN Misrepresents How Much Money Was Raised for Joe Wilson's Opponent Rob Miller | Video Cafe

Goddamn right wing media. :lol:


In My Opinion
I sent 100.00.
I did it with a cashiers check and mailed it. I did it in the name of Steny H.

Thought it would be appropriate.


Habari Na Mijeldi
Joe Wilson Gets $200,000.....

"It turns out that the fundraising avalanche for Rep. Joe Wilson's (R-SC) Democratic opponent Rob Miller, in the wake of Wilson's "You lie!" outburst during President Obama's speech, also cuts the other way, too.

Wilson has now taken in more than $200,000 since the outburst, during which time he has hit the radio and TV talk show circuit and launched his own fundraising effort.

It's not as much as Miller's $750,000 from outraged liberals, but it's not chump change, either. And seeing as how the right was a bit slower to mobilize in fundraising over this, in comparison to the immediate flood of donations to Miller from liberals, this could shape up as a real race for money.

Source: Joe Wilson Gets $200,000 In Donations Since "You Lie!" Outburst | TPMDC


In My Opinion
personally I don't think he should have apologized. Showed weakness on his part.
If he is willing to back down when he is right, its not good.

and he was right when he called obama a liar.


Habari Na Mijeldi
personally I don't think he should have apologized. Showed weakness on his part. If he is willing to back down when he is right, its not good. and he was right when he called obama a liar.

He didn't apologize!

"I followed the orders of Republican leadership and apologized."

-Joe Wilson, responding to questions concerning his hypocritical apology to the President of the United States, Barack Hussein Obama, September 2009.