CageKicker Extraordinaire
vraiblonde said:Don't give them any ideas
But your analogy is incorrect. Take prostitution, for example. We can argue that it's a moral law and not a public health law BUT what about the guy who picks up a dose from the local hooker, then goes home to give it to his wife or girlfriend? In that case, it's no different than someone who contracts any other communicable disease and proceeds to pass it along.
I still consider it a moral law. Its not my problem if person X is dumb enough to sleep with a woman who's slept with more people than I have brain cells. Its also not my problem that the woman chose to marry a man with no respect for marriage.
vraiblonde said:Plus it's always amazing to me that the people who complain about cigarette smoke and its second-hand effects are the very same ones who are proponents of marijuana legalization. It makes no sense.
Don't get me started on the amount of hypocracy in politics