Larry Gude
Strung Out
I agree...
...that alcohol and tobacco are public health problems. I don't agree we'd put them back in any bottle. Far to many people enjoy alcohol and tobacco in moderation to ban them just because some people over do it. Pit falls of being free.
We are not going to see a wave of people suddenly firing up heroin because it is NOT the same as going out for a few beers. We are not going to have a sudden cocaine crisis because it is not the same as having a cigar on a Sunday afternoon.
Likewise anyone who enjoys mellowing out and wasting time smoking grass is likely already doing it. Any 'wave' of new dopers will come and go because of the simple fact of how silly smoking dope is.
The feared loss of human beings to some new drug addiction wave is, to me, small price to pay for eliminating drug turf wars, insane police budgets and capabilities based mostly on being able to deal with the violence associated with the money invloved in illegal drug trafficing.
The basis for drug illegalization is the basis for governmental intervention in anything one does that is unhealthy for them. Diet. Lack of exercise. Smoking. Hi stress jobs. Poor finacial decisions. You name it.
but what they should be looking at is that alcohol and tobacco are damaging substances and if we could put those genies back in their bottles we would. But we can't, so where's the benefit to society of unleashing yet another enabler of bad behavior on the public? I'm sorry, but I can see no benefits, just a lot of negatives.
...that alcohol and tobacco are public health problems. I don't agree we'd put them back in any bottle. Far to many people enjoy alcohol and tobacco in moderation to ban them just because some people over do it. Pit falls of being free.
We are not going to see a wave of people suddenly firing up heroin because it is NOT the same as going out for a few beers. We are not going to have a sudden cocaine crisis because it is not the same as having a cigar on a Sunday afternoon.
Likewise anyone who enjoys mellowing out and wasting time smoking grass is likely already doing it. Any 'wave' of new dopers will come and go because of the simple fact of how silly smoking dope is.
The feared loss of human beings to some new drug addiction wave is, to me, small price to pay for eliminating drug turf wars, insane police budgets and capabilities based mostly on being able to deal with the violence associated with the money invloved in illegal drug trafficing.
The basis for drug illegalization is the basis for governmental intervention in anything one does that is unhealthy for them. Diet. Lack of exercise. Smoking. Hi stress jobs. Poor finacial decisions. You name it.