Supreme Court upholds federal gun ban for those under domestic violence restraining orders


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
The case, U.S. v. Rahimi, is the first major test of the Second Amendment since 2022

The Supreme Court Friday upheld a federal law that bans guns for those subject to domestic violence restraining orders (DVROs) in the first major test of the Second Amendment at the high court this term.

In an 8-1 opinion authored by Chief Justice Roberts, the court's majority said, "[W]e conclude only this: An individual found by a court to pose a credible threat to the physical safety of another may be temporarily disarmed consistent with the Second Amendment." Justice Clarence Thomas was the lone dissenter.



Well-Known Member
The case, U.S. v. Rahimi, is the first major test of the Second Amendment since 2022

The Supreme Court Friday upheld a federal law that bans guns for those subject to domestic violence restraining orders (DVROs) in the first major test of the Second Amendment at the high court this term.

In an 8-1 opinion authored by Chief Justice Roberts, the court's majority said, "[W]e conclude only this: An individual found by a court to pose a credible threat to the physical safety of another may be temporarily disarmed consistent with the Second Amendment." Justice Clarence Thomas was the lone dissenter.

I'd like to see what Thomas said about it.

Having said that, how many women initiate domestic violence against their spouses (75% of lesbians, apparently) and wrongfully blame them for DV against their own lying selves? And the cops and courts believe all women.


Well-Known Member The Thomas dissent starts on page 72 and runs to page 103.
Thanks. I'm to the part where he talks about the lack of due process. It's more than troubling in this day and age where damage can be done to a person's future, livelihood, and future based on mere accusation. That's most of what they're doing to Trump; that was a major component of the latest shame trial, where jurors were asked to convict not on the evidence, but on whether or not they believed he may have done something.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Just because a person can't legally own a gun doesn't mean they can't get a gun. Any criminal can tell you that. Apparently the Supremes didn't watch Sons of Anarchy or The Wire. Or, you know, the news.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I'd like to see what Thomas said about it.

Having said that, how many women initiate domestic violence against their spouses (75% of lesbians, apparently) and wrongfully blame them for DV against their own lying selves? And the cops and courts believe all women.

Have you ever actually known a man who was beaten by his woman? Because I never have, but I've known dozens of women who've been beaten by a husband or boyfriend. They had the bruises, cuts, and wired jaws to prove it.


Well-Known Member
Have you ever actually known a man who was beaten by his woman? Because I never have, but I've known dozens of women who've been beaten by a husband or boyfriend. They had the bruises, cuts, and wired jaws to prove it.
Yeah, I have. The man is f*cked whether he defends himself, or whether he doesn't. I was living in Tulsa when I came home one night, in the dead of winter, and found my neighbor Bob in the back of his car with only a leather jacket to keep him warm. My room mate and I got him into the house, got some soup into him, a shower, and put him on the couch. He was a lot better in the morning, but we saved him from hypothermia.

His wife, Shaaaawn (we didn't like her) had kicked him out of the house. Did I mention it was the dead of winter in Oklahoma?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Yeah, I have. The man is f*cked whether he defends himself, or whether he doesn't. I was living in Tulsa when I came home one night, in the dead of winter, and found my neighbor Bob in the back of his car with only a leather jacket to keep him warm. My room mate and I got him into the house, got some soup into him, a shower, and put him on the couch. He was a lot better in the morning, but we saved him from hypothermia.

His wife, Shaaaawn (we didn't like her) had kicked him out of the house. Did I mention it was the dead of winter in Oklahoma?

Why didn't he go to a hotel? Why didn't he refuse to leave, then call the cops on her if she became violent? Why didn't he dump her?

Those are real questions and not just snark because I genuinely don't understand people who allow others to treat them poorly. This ties into my Soulless Inc thread - there is a segment of humanity that is so beta they will tolerate literally anything and never fight back.


Well-Known Member
Why didn't he go to a hotel? Why didn't he refuse to leave, then call the cops on her if she became violent? Why didn't he dump her?

Those are real questions and not just snark because I genuinely don't understand people who allow others to treat them poorly. This ties into my Soulless Inc thread - there is a segment of humanity that is so beta they will tolerate literally anything and never fight back.

You can’t be this stupid.



PREMO Member
Have you ever actually known a man who was beaten by his woman? Because I never have,

The narrative has ALWAYS been men are the abusers ...

I laughed my ass off when this came to light in the 90's, not that women are abused, but the progressive narrative about men being the abusers was stood on it's ear

So in an effort to end domestic violence women were all in, rule were put in place;

Police could NO Longer Ignore Domestic Violence
Wives could not change their minds once the police were called


Well once this became mandatory data was gathered much to the embarrassment of feminists everywhere women rose to the top of the list as abusers ... leftists swept the conversation under the rug, because the data did NOT fit their narrative ...

and the biggest wtf moment

women in lesbian relationships face similar or higher percentages of domestic violence to straight couples

How common is lesbian partner violence?

About 17-45% of lesbians report having been the victim of a least one act of physical violence perpetrated by a lesbian partner (1,5,6,13). Types of physical abuse named by more than 10% of participants in one study included:

  • tinytulip.gif
    Disrupting other's eating or sleeping habits
    Pushing or shoving, driving recklessly to punish, and slapping, kicking, hitting, or biting (11).
    Sexual abuse by a woman partner has been reported by up to 50% of lesbians (12).
    Psychological abuse has been reported as occurring at least one time by 24% to 90% of lesbians (1,5,6,11,14).
The research usually has been done with mostly white, middle-class lesbians who are sufficiently open about their sexual orientation to have met researchers seeking participants in the lesbian community. Subsequently, these findings may not apply to women who are less open, less educated, or of other ethnic backgrounds.

men may get drunk and beat the wife and children, women however will fly off the handle as soon as they do not get their way and start slapping, beating, grabbing a frying pay or a kitchen knife and attack the man

I remember jokes growing up about the husband coming home drunk after being out drinking with the guys being greeted by the wife with a cast iron skillet or rolling pin, getting clocked in the head

Women as the Abusers

Women Abusers Choose Nonphysical Violence

When researching her book, Taylor only interviewed women who were the sole abusers in the relationship. What she found was that this group was more likely to use nonphysical tactics, such as emotional, verbal and psychological abuse.

“A lot of times, it was about manipulation, control, using the children against the partner or threatening to take the children away.” She also noted that female abusers were less likely to go through the cycle of abuse—there was no honeymoon or remorse period after an incident.

These female abusers’ common traits included being possessive, controlling and jealous; having unrealistic expectations of her partner; having high impulsivity, anger and rage; and not having enough outside support from female friends.

The Power and Control Wheel is one way advocates help explain abuse tactics to victims.
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Well-Known Member
Why didn't he go to a hotel? Why didn't he refuse to leave, then call the cops on her if she became violent? Why didn't he dump her?

Those are real questions and not just snark because I genuinely don't understand people who allow others to treat them poorly. This ties into my Soulless Inc thread - there is a segment of humanity that is so beta they will tolerate literally anything and never fight back.
This was back in the late '70s/early '80s. Do you really think the cops were going to believe that 5-foot something was physically abusive toward her 6-foot something husband?

Who knows why people do what they do.


Well-Known Member
This will make it difficult for the ~75% of cops who are wife beaters.
I dont know why I'm asking... But can you site CREDIBLE DOCUMENTATION that backs up your statement? Or, did you just pull that figure out of your paramour's rear end...


Well-Known Member
In my opinion every time SCOTUS make a ruling like this it lets congress of the hook. They should make EVERY state law about guns invalid and place the ball back in congresses court. Force them to call a constitutional convention and then iron out their differences and then vote on them and while they are at it, they can take up a few more items like straightening out the tax code once and for all, and social security underfunding.


Well-Known Member
I knew a woman who's favorite trick was not speaking to her husband, playing mind games.
Mental cruelty is as bad as physical for some people .
It's amazing what some people will put up with from the person they love.
Thank God for a really good marriage. It is happening less frequently in today's world.
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