Power with Control
So you are saying the fines are paying for increases in salaries. So pay attention to when you hear budget increase. You know where the revenue will come from.
They use this revenue as a slush fund for "public safety". And of course, this doesn't touch on how every time a citizen finds issues, they don't fix the issues, they amend the process the ensure that citizens cant access that data to demonstrate that systems are rigged. Things like who validates that the images are accurate, how often the systems are calibrated. What standard the systems are calibrated against. Three digit time stamps were used to demonstrate one system was citing larger vehicles incorrectly. The response was to ensure that citations issued to citizen's didn't contain that information anymore. Because any check and balance costs money and reduces profitability.

How area Police Departments and area Governments use and spend speed camera ticket revenue - The Southern Maryland Chronicle
Maryland Law requires the reporting of a description of how net revenue was used By: John Townsend, Mid-Atlantic AAA WASHINGTON, D. C. (Thursday, December 12, 2019) –– 40 MM multi-launchers, which fire sponge-tipped rounds effective at a 120-foot range, a robot, aviation tactical mapping...

Heres a funny tidbit. Seems if you dont live in the District, they cannot force you to pay any automated citation. Also note that you can ignore any VA citation from a camera since its not valid unless you were served, mail doesn't count.

DC Confirms Photo Ticket Payment Optional For Non-Residents
Report from mayor confirms no penalty for nonpayment of Washington, DC red light camera and speed camera tickets for non-residents.