Eligibility DOES NOT require the nomination.
But the nomination, however, DOES require eligibility.
Eligibility DOES NOT require the nomination.
Why are you fighting so desperately to be right about something that has absolutely no possibility of happening?My god you are proving yourself as dumb as the rest of the ignorati on here.
"When it comes to the law, nothing is understood" ~ Draglineneither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years
The world "eligible" implies "candidacy".
Dr: Is this person a candidate for a heart transplant. (Translation: Is this person eligible to receive a foreign ****ing heart?)
Nurse: No.
Dr. If we schedule a transplant in January, Will be be a candidate then?
Nurse: ....
Dr. ...
Nurse: I'll check article 2 section 1.
You are being a pedantic ****.
You are wrong.
Move the **** on.
He suffers a sad pathetic life and it's all he's got?Why are you fighting so desperately to be right about something that has absolutely no possibility of happening?![]()
"Sometimes nothin' is a real cool hand" Lucas Jackson - War hero"When it comes to the law, nothing is understood" ~ Dragline
neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years
The world "eligible" implies "candidacy".
Dr: Is this person a candidate for a heart transplant. (Translation: Is this person eligible to receive a foreign ****ing heart?)
Nurse: No.
Dr. If we schedule a transplant in January, Will be be a candidate then?
Nurse: ....
Dr. ...
Nurse: I'll check article 2 section 1.
You are being a pedantic ****.
You are wrong.
Move the **** on.
US Constitution said:No Person shall be a Senator who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty Years, and been nine Years a Citizen of the United States, and who shall not, when elected, be an Inhabitant of that State for which he shall be chosen.
Why are you fighting so desperately to be right about something that has absolutely no possibility of happening?![]()
"neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years,"
Eligibility requires nomination. That's the way I read and interpret it.
It's the requirement to hold the office, not the requirement to campaign for or be nominated for the office. Those processes are not outlined in the constitution and have indeed changed over the years (changes in primary processes, caucus processes, etc.)
If you are trying to tell me age is a factor in the nomination process, please also tell me where in the constitution it says a candidate can be nominated through a coin-toss (like good ole mrs. clinton).
Those will be mail-inJust 80,999,999. more votes to go.
You can't be as effing stupid as you appear .... can you?
Or are you going say he illegally ascended to that Senate seat?
You're talking about suitability, not qualifications.
Qualifications are laid out in the Constitution. AOC is qualified. Biden is qualified. Trump is qualified. Hillary is qualified. Obama is qualified. And so on and so forth.
None were suitable.
Read until you understand.
OR! You can quit being such a pedantic douche nozzle. You think it makes you look like a intaleckshul but it doesn't - it just makes you look like a loser permavirgin who has nothing better to do with their pathetic life than pick stupid arguments with strangers on the internet.
AOC puts acumen in her taco mix. She's spicy like that.Thrill me with your acumen.
P.S. An acumen is not a car, no matter what AOC tells you.
And there it is!
Reading the Constitution for what is actually says is pedantic and that adjective is conveyed as a pejorative.
For reading the Constitution as it is written.
YOU are the loser.
- The act of qualifying or the condition of being qualified.
- A quality, ability, or accomplishment that makes a person suitable for a particular position or task.
- A condition or circumstance that must be met or complied with.
And there it is!
Reading the Constitution for what is actually says is pedantic and that adjective is conveyed as a pejorative.
No, YOU are the loser AND the nose picker AND the booger eater AND the guy who scratches his butthole then smells his fingers.
You ****ing moron.
And she puts her talcum in the fridge to make chilly powder.AOC puts acumen in her taco mix. She's spicy like that.