Swirling lid of Ice Cream offends Moslem...


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
bresamil said:
I have the Little Mermaid original box - with the penis tower. It's also on Cinderalla and Sleeping Beauty.
But if you notice, the yowlers will accuse you of being a sex-crazed pedophile fundamentalist. So try not to look, m'kay?



This Space for Rent
vraiblonde said:
I agree. What's worse is disbelieving the truth because you don't like the messenger.

Religious groups were scoffed at over the penis on The Little Mermaid cover, and Snopes even says it's false. But that drawing is clearly a penis and cannot possibly be mistaken for anything else. The reason Snopes gave it a red ball is because they contacted the artist that drew it and he says it's not a penis. :rolleyes:

And the bit in Aladdin where Aladdin whispers, "Princess, take off your clothes." I can prove that one. :yay:

I am sure its all in good fun with people who worked on Disney films. I bet they are the ones who secretly release the information so people will go look for it. I doubt its Disney backed, but you can't tell me with the initial things that happened that a few creative minds don't sit and come up with fun shi** to do on each film because of the history of it now. I would. Its funny.

Also, in Three Men and a Baby (not Disney) you got the "ghost" and "shotgun". Thats easy to show, too.


Well-Known Member
I recall...

Watching a documentary on Disney's early illustrators who where handed the story board and just for fun tried to slip things in...hoping to get them past Disney's editting. It was a quiet contest, a lark.

Naturally, after Walt is gone,..the game continues and Disney still has illustrators who try to get things past the editors & censors.
Thus,...what started as simple fun is now pornographic, thus is the nature of man.

And its us fundamentalist Christian wackos who take the heat when we object to the subtle porn. Oh well, life goes on.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="400"> <tbody><tr><td align="left"> Main Entry: fun·da·men·tal·ism http://javascript<b></b>:popWin('/cgi-bin/audio.pl?fundam04.wav=fundamentalism')http://www.webster.com/images/audio.gif
Pronunciation: <tt>-t<sup>&</sup>l-"i-z&m</tt>
Function: noun
1 a often capitalized : a movement in 20th century Protestantism emphasizing the literally interpreted Bible as fundamental to Christian life and teaching b : the beliefs of this movement c : adherence to such beliefs
2 : a movement or attitude stressing strict and literal adherence to a set of basic principles
- fun·da·men·tal·ist http://javascript<b></b>:popWin('/cgi-bin/audio.pl?fundam05.wav=fundamentalist')http://www.webster.com/images/audio.gif /<tt>-t<sup>&</sup>l-ist</tt>/ noun
- fundamentalist or fun·da·men·tal·is·tic http://javascript<b></b>:popWin('/cgi-bin/audio.pl?fundam06.wav=fundamentalistic')http://www.webster.com/images/audio.gif /<tt>-"men-t<sup>&</sup>l-'is-tik</tt>/ adjective </td> <td>http://www.webster.com/images/pixt.gif</td> </tr></tbody> </table>
What is wrong with believing the Bible as written?

The simple fact is sex sells. Subliminal messages have been in movies for many, many years. Pictures of popcorn in the previews at the theater - just one frame - you can't "see" it but your brain does and you have a sudden urge to go to the snack bar for popcorn. Subliminal sex messages may account for adults liking Disney cartoons.
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New Member
vraiblonde said:
Certainly it's not their company policy - we'd have heard about it by now. But the fact is that these "religious nutties" are correct - Disney animators do indeed put pornographic and inappropriate content in their cartoons. And, PS, they don't get fired for this.

It annoys me when people are so quick to disparage religious groups who act as media watchdogs, especially when they're looking out for our children's well-being. "Ha ha! Stupid Christians, seeing sex everywhere! Sex on the brain repressed stupid Christians! Ha Ha!"

Who's laughing now?

You have some good points but I originally brought up the Disney films as an example that it's not just Muslims that are "nutty." I admit it was a bad example. What I do not understand is that you think it's OK for Christians to notice something that appears morally wrong and point it out(sometimes they are right sometimes not) but it's not OK for Muslim to do the same? I've visited multiple Muslim countries over a dozen times but I still can recognize very few of their words. I am willing to say very few or maybe none of us even knows what the Arabic script for "Allah" even looks like.

Either way I still think the Muslim who pointed out the ice cream machine is a nut for not believing that it accidentally looks like the script for Allah. Then again if Disney cartoonists can slip in sexual images on cartoons it may be possible for someone who wanted to cause a fuss to have designed Allah on the ice cream machine.
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Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Triggerfish said:
What I do not understand is that you think it's OK for Christians to notice something that appears morally wrong and point it out(sometimes they are right sometimes not) but it's not OK for Muslim to do the same?
Well, I will explain the difference to you, then:

Mr. Christian notices a naked woman in a children's video that is, in fact, there. This happens right after the video is released and many other people see it as well. Mr. Christian threatens to boycott Disney.

Mr. Jihad notices Allah on an ice cream cone lid - an image which is open to interpretation. This happens after many years of having the same design and nobody seemed to notice it until now. Mr. Jihad threatens to kill everyone.

One is, in fact, there. The other is a figment of some nut's imagination.

See the difference now?

A pic of the lid, which is clearly a drawing of a swirl cone.

A pic of the Little Mermaid cover, which is clearly a penis.

A pic of Rescuers Down Under, which clearly shows a topless woman.


New Member
Like I said, do you read Arabic? If you don't how do you now if it does or does not look like "Allah" in Arabic script.

As for the cartoons I said it was a bad example. I remember when I was going to a Southern Baptist school and attending church there twice a week on Sundays and Wednesday they said some weird things like the year 1999 is bad since it has an upside down 666 in it.


New Member
You know this is really a bad time for this. Is this guy an idiot? At the moment the British government and the Muslim Council are trying to avoid backlash against the Muslim population in the UK for what happened with the recent terrorist attacks. Is he suicidal?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Triggerfish said:
the year 1999 is bad since it has an upside down 666 in it.
Now THAT I will agree is nutty. But a swirly cone drawing is completely subjective and not nearly the same thing as inappropriate images in Disney films.

Yes I see the pic but I still do not know if the the lid resembles how some people's script of Allah looks like.
Simple test: show the lid to 100 random Englanders and ask them, "What is this?" I guarantee the vast majority, if not all of them, will say it's a drawing of a swirly cone.

You know this is really a bad time for this. Is this guy an idiot? At the moment the British government and the Muslim Council are trying to avoid backlash against the Muslim population in the UK for what happened with the recent terrorist attacks. Is he suicidal?

I thought they were all suicidal? :shrug:


New Member
vraiblonde said:
Simple test: show the lid to 100 random Englanders and ask them, "What is this?" I guarantee the vast majority, if not all of them, will say it's a drawing of a swirly cone.
and I wonder what would happen if you show it to 100 British Muslims.

To me it looks like a soft serve ice cream or a pile of crap. :lmao:

If you ask 100 Japanese teenagers you'd probably get more of them saying crap. :lol:


Asperger's Poster Child
Hessian said:
Watching a documentary on Disney's early illustrators who where handed the story board and just for fun tried to slip things in...hoping to get them past Disney's editting. It was a quiet contest, a lark.

Naturally, after Walt is gone,..the game continues and Disney still has illustrators who try to get things past the editors & censors.
Thus,...what started as simple fun is now pornographic, thus is the nature of man.
As a parent, I don't excuse what Disney's animators are doing. My kids love the classic Disney princesses, and I would be outraged if Disney turned Sleeping Beauty and Cinderella into Pamela Anderson ho-bags.

However, I have some theories as to why the animators act so childish. ow come that kind of adolescent rebellion didn't happen at, say, the Looney Tunes studio? Maybe because Disney worked hard to build a family-friendly image, one that some critics and moviegoers saw as false, bland and simpering at times. (According to the book "DisneyWar," Walt thought that his own reputation was ironic. He was a smoker and drinker, meaning that he had vices just like anyone else, but he knew that those vices might spoil his image.) So the animators must be like Beavis and Butthead trying to shock a Catholic schoolgirl just for fun.

Plus, in recent decades the Disney management often treated the animation studio as an unwanted inheritance, particularly in the '70s and '90s. So I can imagine the animators engaging in petty revenge to get back at the management. Well, both sides got their wish, because Disney closed down their animation facility last year and contracts out its animation these days. Good thing, because Disney itself hasn't made an animated feature worth watching since "Lion King." Personally, I think the Pixar features have more of the classic Disney magic and wonder these days.


New Member
vraiblonde said:
Mr. Jihad threatens to kill everyone.

rdonthehd said:
from the article: "The man claimed the design resembled the Arabic inscription for Allah, and branded it sacrilegious, threatening a "jihad". "

Geez!! some people's children!

His jihad is a boycott not violence.

He was not satisfied by the decision to withdraw the cones and has called on Muslims to boycott Burger King. He said: "This is my jihad."

A Muslim Council spokesman said: "We commend the sensitive and prompt action that Burger King has taken."

Sounds like the Muslim Council didn't think it was intentional and happy with the action taken by BK. At least someone was being reasonable unlike Jihad Boy.

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Larry Gude

Strung Out
That makes ZERO sense...

Bustem' Down said:
Fundamentalism is any religion is a bad thing.

"Fundamentalists" of ANY religion are the ones trying to hold up the basis and origins, the 'fundamentals', of a given religion.

What you suggest, correct me if I have this wrong, is that once a given religion has been watered down by time and modern interpretations and turned into something different, then it is a good thing.

Fundamenalists are simply saying "This is religion X, like it or not. This is what was originally meant and understood."

I'm not suggesting that anyone MUST take it or leave it, far from it. What I am saying is that fundies represent what their religion is suppossed to be.

Modern Islam is not true Islam. Modern Christianity is not true Christianity. Modern Catholicism is not true and so forth and so on. They've all changed and evolve over the years to meet modern human wants which the religions themselves do not make allowance for. They do not allow that their God was wrong about anything, at any time.

So, what you are actually saying is true religion is a bad thing. Yes?


The Smart Hooker
Darn it. I have these cravings for those french fry looking chicken nuggets. Now I have to get regular nuggets from McDonalds now. Those bastards! :lmao:


Asperger's Poster Child
Larry Gude said:
Fundamenalists are simply saying "This is religion X, like it or not. This is what was originally meant and understood."

I'm not suggesting that anyone MUST take it or leave it, far from it. What I am saying is that fundies represent what their religion is suppossed to be.
That makes sense. In the Religion section, I've gone on at embarrassing length about evangelists of all types (Christian/PETA/athiest/Goth/whatever) who insist that everyone must share their beliefs. Now, there are many fundamentalists who do this, but it's not necessarily part of fundamentalism.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Triggerfish said:
Sounds like the Muslim Council didn't think it was intentional and happy with the action taken by BK. At least someone was being reasonable unlike Jihad Boy.
I disagree. The reasonable thing to do would be to tell this nutjob to STFU and go find something better to do than see religious offenses in ice cream cups. You're trying desperately to defend this person, or at least make a parallel to something that's commonly practiced.

It's not going to work.

I'm not an idiot and I know right from wrong, I know reasonable from nutjob, AND I know the difference between a drawing of an ice cream cone and a symbol that vaguely resembles it. My common sense and rational thought processes are firmly intact.

Muslims are the new race hustlers, in that they see offenses in everything, they complain, and someone takes their nonsense seriously for fear of being called a racist or bigot.

I do not care if some whack calls me a racist or bigot. I'm not a person who cares what the irrational and mentally ill among us thinks of me.