Swirling lid of Ice Cream offends Moslem...


Asperger's Poster Child
In commenting on the story, Buzz Burbank on the Don & Mike Show said that the Dodge Ram logo looks like a uterus and Fallopian tubes.


New Member
2ndAmendment said:
Probably not if it was attached to a softserve ice cream cone.

You'd be surprised.
I have to disagree on that. In Japan a feces is drawn like a soft serve ice cream in the swirly shape not as a log. That drawing design probably would never have made it to production in Japan. BTW 2A I was born and partially raised in Japan and I don't mean that my parents were in the US military and they were stationed there, I mean I actually emigrated from Japan.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Triggerfish said:
...I mean I actually emigrated from Japan.
So do you consider yourself an American or a Japanese or a Japanese-American :)barf: - where is Japan - America? or Afica-America for that matter).


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
2ndAmendment said:
where is Japan - America? or Afica-America for that matter).
I would consider Trigger to be an authentic Japanese American - his ethnicity and heritage are Japanese, but he is an American citizen. Contrast that to black people who are neither African, nor have they ever BEEN to Africa, but they call themselves African Americans.


Asperger's Poster Child
vraiblonde said:
Muslims are the new race hustlers, in that they see offenses in everything, they complain, and someone takes their nonsense seriously for fear of being called a racist or bigot.
I think you're partially right. I've read that CAIR has a reputation of being the Al Sharptons of American Muslims, flinging blame at non-Muslims. I don't know this for sure, but I suspect that many American Muslims are somewhat embarrassed by CAIR, just as many blacks are embarrassed by Sharpton.

As I see it, EVERY movement has self-appointed "spokespersons" who whore themselves for media attention. That's one of my many reasons I don't like TV news. TV rewards that desperate desire or attention by giving the "spokespersons" quick sound bites.


New Member
2ndAmendment said:
So do you consider yourself an American or a Japanese or a Japanese-American :)barf: - where is Japan - America? or Afica-America for that matter).

What's that have to do with anything? Ask someone else considering that I'm a Japanese national. :lol:


New Member
vraiblonde said:
I would consider Trigger to be an authentic Japanese American - his ethnicity and heritage are Japanese, but he is an American citizen.

I think my daughter would fit that description better. She was born in a US military base in Japan. Ethnically she is half Japanese. Her mom is Euromix(Dutch, Polish, etc.) that is a FL native. She is a dual US/Japanese citizen.


New Member
vraiblonde said:
Okay, I thought you were an American citizen. Sorry :cheers:

No problem,
To be honest it gives our family a lot more flexibility. When we are in Japan we can use my citizenship as an advantage. Plus I hate to discuss this but after my grandmother and father pass away I am supposed to inherit the family estate in Tokyo that is worth millions and being a Japanese national I think may make the transition a lot more simple.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Triggerfish said:
What's that have to do with anything? Ask someone else considering that I'm a Japanese national. :lol:
OK. That is all I was asking. You are not a U.S. citizen.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Triggerfish said:
I was refering to the Japan-America and Africa-America. :smile:
I am just tired of people coming the the United States for the life and advantages that this country offers and then not becoming part of the country. When the Irish or Italians came to the U.S., they certainly retained their heritage, but they, for the most part, considered themselves Americans. Now we have Afro-Americans, Hispanic-Americans, Japanese-Americans, do dah do dah. I guess I would be a Welsh-English-French-Italian-American or Euro-American. Nonsense.

If people come here to live permanently, then they should adopt the language and mores of this country. They certainly could retain their heritage, but if you come here, be one of us. The is no such place as Afro-America, or Asia-America, or Euro-America. This is the United States of America. Be one part of the country or get out. (I am not addressing this to you specifically Trigg.)

I know this is not politically correct, but I am tired ot the PC :bs:.

George Washington said it long before I did.
"The name of American...must always exalt the just pride of Patriotism, more than any appellation derived from local discriminations." --George Washington
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Board Mommy
PREMO Member
2ndAmendment said:
I am just tired of people coming the the United States for the life and advantages that this country offers and then not becoming part of the country.
Most people do. What's funny is that it's American-born black people that are trying to separate themselves and create a false identity and solidarity with a country they've never been a part of. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Read the Book...

"Not out of Africa"

I have started reading this--an author who was working as a News Bureau chief in Africa: stunned & horrified by the sights...EVERYWHERE! After serving for three years he came back and excoriates those who glorify and romanticize the dark continent....and by the way: He's a Black Journalist working for a Liberal paper.
(don't have the copy with me....look it up on Amazon)


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
There are very few places in Africa that don't suck royal. Slavery still exists, discrimination is the law, they still have cannibals, poverty is rampant, the leadership corruption makes anything Clinton did look like child's play.

Yet some blacks still romanticize it as Roots, with happy tribal children playing in the sun and becoming men according to tradition. That's not the way it is now. And that's not the way it was then, or Kunta Kinte wouldn't have been captured by his own countrymen and shipped to America to become a slave.

But there's no talking to liberals. They also think that animals live peacefully in the wild and only man kills for food or sport. :rolleyes: So it stands to reason they would romanticize the squalor of thrid-world nations as well.