T.O. taken to Dallas ER to induce vomiting


AndyMarquisLIVE said:
DALLAS - Flamboyant Dallas Cowboys receiver Terrell Owens tried to kill himself by overdosing on pain medication, even putting two more pills into his mouth after a friend intervened.

A Dallas police report released Wednesday morning said Owens told his friend “that he was depressed.” Details of the report were first released by WFAA-TV.

The friend, who is not identified in the report, “noticed that (his) prescription pain medication was empty and observed (Owens) putting two pills in his mouth,” the police report said. | MORE >>

Now this is a crime am I right? Who wants to place bets that he doesn't get jail time.
:confused: how is trying to kill yourself a crime?


AndyMarquisLIVE said:
Typical... If that was anybody else it would be a criminal offense...

Oh you put someone in jail that tryed to kill themselves. That would really take the depression away.


All Up In Your Grill
AndyMarquisLIVE said:
Typical... If that was anybody else it would be a criminal offense...

HMMMMM...Could be a violation of the league's substance abuse policy...maybe NOW they have a way to get rid of him all together!


itsbob said:
Suicide is illegal in most states.. if not ALL states..

I've never heard of anyone going to jail for it though. If anything they get sent to the psych ward.

So I don't think him getting "away" with this is really a "superstar" thing.


100% Goapele Head!
A co-worker of mine just came through telling me this and no sooner than I clicked New Posts it was there. And the website says 12:28pm and it was 12:32pm when I came on. Go Forumites!!! :flowers:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Ponytail said:
I don't believe the suicided bit.
I do. He's had a lot of unflattering press because of his behavior. So maybe, in a fit of remorse and depression, he decided to end it all. That's a lot of pressure on an already unstable person.

But watch the cover-up and excuses that'll start flying.


New Member
vraiblonde said:
I do. He's had a lot of unflattering press because of his behavior. So maybe, in a fit of remorse and depression, he decided to end it all. That's a lot of pressure on an already unstable person.

But watch the cover-up and excuses that'll start flying.

I guess I haven't seen the press concerning his behavior lately. Dunno. Depending on what meds he was on though... Eh, who knows.


curiouser and curiouser
nomoney said:
I've never heard of anyone going to jail for it though. If anything they get sent to the psych ward.

So I don't think him getting "away" with this is really a "superstar" thing.
:yeahthat: I've come across two "winners" in my life that have attempted to commit suicide. Other than a large hospital bill, they were pretty much off the hook. :shrug:


nomoney said:
I've never heard of anyone going to jail for it though. If anything they get sent to the psych ward.

So I don't think him getting "away" with this is really a "superstar" thing.
Technically if they committed suicide they would be dead. Can you jail a dead person? It might get stinky.


Football addict
This all goes back to Hobbes' laws of nature. It is unnatural for one to commit suicide for obvious reasons.


Suicide is the act of ending your own life. Prior to the Suicide Act 1961 it was illegal to commit suicide and anyone who tried and failed would be subject to legal proceedings and possible detention. The Suicide Act 1961 brought a change to the law so that suicide is no longer a criminal act. However, it is still illegal to 'aid or abet' another person in taking their own life, and anyone who does this may face a maximum 14 years imprisonment.


"Typical White Person"
Everyone knows that men who REALLY want to commit suicide use a gun, or jump off a bridge or do something that ensures they won't fail. This is just bogus "cry for help" as they like to call it, but in his case I'd call it a "cry for extra attention". Media Whore, plain and simple if even it means "attempting suicide".


Well-Known Member
espn.com said:
Owens blamed a combination of hydrocodone, a generic form of Vicodin, with all-natural supplements for making him ill.

"It's very unfortunate for it to go from an allergic reaction to a suicide attempt," he said.
now thats some funny shiat, I dont know if you can call too much of something an allergic reaction.

and like AK said, a real man would have found a more sure way of doing it.


They call me ... Sarcasmo
Would it be in bad taste to toss empty medicine bottles onto FedEx Field on 5 Nov? :lmao:


Well-Known Member
kom526 said:
Would it be in bad taste to toss empty medicine bottles onto FedEx Field on 5 Nov? :lmao:

I'm sure they will be in a week and a half when they play in Philly. We all know Eagles fans are going to give TO a very warm welcome.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
This Just In!!!!!!!!

...reports say that Jerry Jones has been rushed to the hospital with what is described as 'severe and negative reactions' to something that he, it is alleged, 'intentionally did to harm him self'. He is said to be in a semi conscious state and keeps muttering 'TO...TO...TO..." to an apparent imaginary friend. He has been given a sedative and early test results are inconclusive.
