T.O. taken to Dallas ER to induce vomiting

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Nanny Pam said:
Now that's a great idea!!! :killingme

...a great idea.

"Fedex security, having just cleared the field of what are apparently empty prescription medicine bottles, are heading to Nanny Pams luxury suite to see if she remembered to not drink while taking her meds...NANNY PAM, please come to lost and found..."

Great idea... :lmao:

Nanny Pam

Larry Gude said:
...a great idea.

"Fedex security, having just cleared the field of what are apparently empty prescription medicine bottles, are heading to Nanny Pams luxury suite to see if she remembered to not drink while taking her meds...NANNY PAM, please come to lost and found..."

Great idea... :lmao:



But wait, there's more...
Ponytail said:
I don't believe the suicided bit. As much as I love to hate the guy, I think the whole depression/suicide thing is hokey. Something stinks in that story.


BUT ... Let's say he DID admit to attempting to commit suicide, I'm kind of :confused: as to why the police have the right to release that sort of information to the public, yet a doctor doesn't. A person has a right to medical privacy -- even celebrities. I don't see how that would not also apply in this case (if the suicide thing is fact), given that this was clearly a medical condition/issue. Methinks T.O. ought to hire himself a lawyer and have a chit-chat with Dallas' PD. In my opinion, DPD's statement should only disclose that he was taken to a hospital for medical reasons. Those cops aren't doctors. And I know that when I've been doped up on meds, I've been known to say something out of character. Who's to say that wasn't the case here ... that T.O. wasn't delirious and just blabbering (since he's good at that). :shrug: