Tackling technique...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Anyone notice just how easy the 'impossible' seemed to be this weekend?

See people getting just flat out blasted, properly? And everyone gets up and walks away? Albeit it, some a tad short of breath and/or woozy but not knocked the eff out.

I applaud the NFL for taking quick and thorough action. Players can't help but deliver helmet hits when it isn't prohibited. it does work to cause fumbles, to knock people out of games and, if it's allowed, it's allowed.

And, suddenly, every single player seems to know how to tackle and deliver a big hit. Properly.



Boy had an epic block in our game Saturday. He was lead blocking for the tailback and took out 2 defenders with one colossal shot and one of them took out the safety while flying to the ground. No helmet to helmet, lead with the shoulder.

The tailback scored the TD and turned around ran back and tossed Boy the ball and gave him a hug/chest bump.

Did I mention he scored his first TD on a deep slant over the middle. 51 yard catch and run TD.


Football addict
Anyone notice just how easy the 'impossible' seemed to be this weekend?

See people getting just flat out blasted, properly? And everyone gets up and walks away? Albeit it, some a tad short of breath and/or woozy but not knocked the eff out.

I applaud the NFL for taking quick and thorough action. Players can't help but deliver helmet hits when it isn't prohibited. it does work to cause fumbles, to knock people out of games and, if it's allowed, it's allowed.

And, suddenly, every single player seems to know how to tackle and deliver a big hit. Properly.


I saw more big plays being made by offenses for the simple fact of defenders not being able to do their jobs.


Football addict
No, you didn't.
Landry of the Ravens let up at the 5 yard line and allowed a Bills player to walk into the endzone. This in a close game and also involving a player who is known for big hits (Landry).

Harrison of the Steelers missed several opportunities whereby if the receiver keeps his balance is gone.

Our own Reed Doughty let up on a Chicago Bears reception, which led to a much larger gain than it should have been.

Just three examples of many to come.

That's what happens when you handcuff one side of the football field who is already chained down as it is.


Football addict
If you have time to line up for a knockout shot to the head you have time to tackle correctly.
Guess they'll be no more bang-bang plays. Defensive players will have to think more and react less.

Thus, the product suffers.


Guess they'll be no more bang-bang plays. Defensive players will have to think more and react less.

Thus, the product suffers.

There will be certainly, only difference is instead of lining up for a head shot they will have to aim6 inches lower. :shrug:


Football addict
There will be certainly, only difference is instead of lining up for a head shot they will have to aim6 inches lower. :shrug:
Offense and defense needs to have balance. There was already a clear imbalance in the rules. This only hampers the defense moreso.

Head shots were already banned. However, they're now delving into "questionable" plays.

I want to watch players make plays. I don't want them to become precise chessmen.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Landry of the Ravens let up at the 5 yard line and allowed a Bills player to walk into the endzone. This in a close game and also involving a player who is known for big hits (Landry).

Harrison of the Steelers missed several opportunities whereby if the receiver keeps his balance is gone.

Our own Reed Doughty let up on a Chicago Bears reception, which led to a much larger gain than it should have been.

Just three examples of many to come.

That's what happens when you handcuff one side of the football field who is already chained down as it is.

Then watch MMA where the goal, the job, is to knock people out. This is football and there is proper technique and then there is the thug ball that has been getting worse the last few years with all the improper tackling technique where guys are using, intentionally, the crown of their helmet in order to try and put people out of the game. Because it was being let go.

I am watching a renaissance of real football where talent and execution are returning to the game. The hit that took Romo out is case in point. Perfect tackle. No head shot. No concussions. No sickening shots of peoples mouth pieces flying through the air as the lights go out.

Give it a chance. You might actually like real football where talent, technique and effort and intensity are far more important than the 'ability' to hit someone with the crown of your helmet, endagering both players for no benefit to the game.


Larry Gude

Strung Out
Guess they'll be no more bang-bang plays. Defensive players will have to think more and react less.

Thus, the product suffers.

Yeah, we're all losing so much not seeing guys get taken out in neck braces hoping the feeling will come back in the extremities. The game is really gonna suffer with less concussions.



Football addict
Then watch MMA where the goal, the job, is to knock people out. This is football and there is proper technique and then there is the thug ball that has been getting worse the last few years with all the improper tackling technique where guys are using, intentionally, the crown of their helmet in order to try and put people out of the game. Because it was being let go.

I am watching a renaissance of real football where talent and execution are returning to the game. The hit that took Romo out is case in point. Perfect tackle. No head shot. No concussions. No sickening shots of peoples mouth pieces flying through the air as the lights go out.

Give it a chance. You might actually like real football where talent, technique and effort and intensity are far more important than the 'ability' to hit someone with the crown of your helmet, endagering both players for no benefit to the game.

I don't have a problem with the crown of the helmet being banned. I have a problem with the league stepping in on questionable plays. Those plays where the head isn't even touched.

Suspend the thugs. At least use judgement throughout the league, however.


Football addict
Yeah, we're all losing so much not seeing guys get taken out in neck braces hoping the feeling will come back in the extremities. The game is really gonna suffer with less concussions.

This is football where injuries happen every day. You're not going to stop concussions.

Watch baseball.:smoochy:


Offense and defense needs to have balance. There was already a clear imbalance in the rules. This only hampers the defense moreso.

Head shots were already banned. However, they're now delving into "questionable" plays.

I want to watch players make plays. I don't want them to become precise chessmen.

I want to watch players make plays too. I also want them to have something in their melon besides goo when they hit their 40th birthday. :shrug:


Football addict
I want to watch players make plays too. I also want them to have something in their melon besides goo when they hit their 40th birthday. :shrug:
I think it comes with the territory. You can only protect them so much in this barbaric sport.

It's not as if they're sentenced to play football.:lol: It's a choice they make with consequences well known.


I think it comes with the territory. You can only protect them so much in this barbaric sport.

It's not as if they're sentenced to play football.:lol: It's a choice they make with consequences well known.
It is pretty simple actually. You can't block in the back, you can't hold, you can't chop block outside the tackle box and now you can't line up a knockout shot to the head on a defenseless receiver. :shrug:


Football addict
It is pretty simple actually. You can't block in the back, you can't hold, you can't chop block outside the tackle box and now you can't line up a knockout shot to the head on a defenseless receiver. :shrug:
You couldn't do any of that before.:shrug:

Players didn't have to worry about getting suspended for ticky tack hits either.


You couldn't do any of that before.:shrug:

Players didn't have to worry about getting suspended for ticky tack hits either.

Well the players have gotten much bigger, much faster and much stronger. I don't think a hit that has a high probability of causing grey matter damage is "ticky tack"


Then it all balances out.:lol:

These aren't 70's players playing the guys of today.

You know buddy, it is really easy to sit there and biatch about the lack of pure brain scrambling carnage when you are propped up in your lazy boy and the only chance of injury is if you get a cramp reaching for your cheeto bowl. You sound very Romanesque. You are in the minority, you loose. Live with it or turn it off.

The game has been played hard and brutal for decades before head first knockout shots to the head became chic and there will be plenty of carnage to keep most people happy.:buddies: