Tackling technique...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Actully, research point to there being ANY helmet as being the problem.

A sport that is rougher than football, full contact sport, where players are tackled in open fields at full run do NOT wear helmets or pads and their number of serious injury and concussions are significantly less. So I would say maybe the leather helmets WERE the downfall of the sport, or at least a factor in the number and severity of injury.

Come on, bob! People used to die, regularly, in football. Rugby is not rougher than football. It might be a better game. It may be a whole lot more reasonable in terms of contact and attendant violence but, it is not rougher than football.



New Member
Come on, bob! People used to die, regularly, in football. Rugby is not rougher than football. It might be a better game. It may be a whole lot more reasonable in terms of contact and attendant violence but, it is not rougher than football.

