taken over by RADICAL MUSLIMS




Normandale's 'meditation room' is home to a single faith
by Katherine Kersten

Last week, I visited a Muslim place of worship. A schedule for Islam's five daily prayers was posted at the entrance, near a sign requesting that shoes be removed. Inside, a barrier divided men's and women's prayer space, an arrow informed worshippers of the direction of Mecca, and literature urged women to cover their faces.

Sound like a mosque? The place I'm describing is the "meditation room" at Normandale Community College, a 9,200-student public institution in Bloomington. Until recently, the room was the school's only usable racquetball court. College administrators converted the court into a meditation room when construction forced closure of the previous meditation room.

A row of chest-high barriers splits the room into sex-segregated sections. In the smaller, enclosed area for women sits a pile of shawls and head-coverings. Literature titled "Hijaab [covering] and Modesty" was prominently placed there, instructing women on proper Islamic behavior. They should cover their faces and stay at home, it said, and their speech should not "be such that it is heard."

"Enter into Islam completely and accept all the rulings of Islam," the tract read in part. "It should not be that you accept what entertains your desires and leave what opposes your desires; this is from the manners of the Jews." "[T]he Jews and the Christians" are described as "the enemies of Allaah's religion." The document adds: "Remember that you will never succeed while you follow these people.

A poster on the room's door advertised a local lecture on "marriage from an Islamic perspective," with "useful tips for marital harmony from the Prophet's ... life." Other fliers invited students to join the Normandale Islamic Forum, or participate in Ramadan celebrations. One thing was missing from the meditation room: evidence of any faith but Islam. No Bible, no crucifix, no Torah.

Normandale's administration is facilitating the room's Islamization. The college's building crew erected the barrier separating men's and women's sections, according to Ralph Anderson, dean of student affairs. College officials also posted signs at the room's entrance asking students to remove shoes -- a Muslim custom before prayers. This was "basically a courtesy to Muslim students," Anderson said.

Despite the room's Islamic atmosphere, Anderson says it "is open to everyone." Why is the meditation room segregated by sex? "Muslim students prefer that areas be divided into male and female," he said. "Other students don't care." Doesn't sex-segregation present a constitutional problem in a public educational institution? "I don't want to comment on that," he said. And the literature regarding Jews and Christians? "I would probably take it out if I knew it was in there," said Anderson. Normandale's zealous effort to accommodate Muslim students is not new. Chad Lunaas, a former student who works at the college part time, cites examples.

Last year on Fridays, he says, he often entered the bathroom to find that "every sink and toilet stall had someone washing his feet." Other students couldn't use the bathroom at these times, and those who tried felt awkward. Lunaas finally expressed his concerns to a Muslim student who "seemed to be in charge." "His attitude was, 'We don't have to listen to you, we can do whatever we want,' " he said.

Confrontations also erupted in the sex-segregated meditation room, according to Lunaas. "Muslim students just took it over. They made people who were not of the Muslim religion feel very uncomfortable, especially if they were female." One female student tried to use the room when Muslim students were in it, said Lunaas. "She believed she should be treated equally. They were telling her to leave, to take off her shoes, to go to the other side of the divider." Anderson says he met several times with concerned students. But "the whole thing was just basically swept aside," according to Lunaas. Anderson said that in the incident involving the young woman, "both sides were probably out of line."

Howard Odor, who advises the college's Somali Student Association, said he has not been aware of "any issues" since the meditation room has been in the racquetball court. "I can guarantee that college policy is that anyone who wants to go in there and pray or meditate can do so." But many at the college see a bigger issue.

"For all practical purposes, this meditation room is essentially a Muslim prayer room," said Chuck Chalberg of Normandale's history faculty. "Something this unprecedented goes beyond religious toleration."

I wonder how long you would last singing Christian hymns b4 some rag head shouted you down, and tossed your Crusader ass to the curb



New Member
ooohhhhh a load of crap!

lets see what other atrocities Normandale has in store for the population!

Astronomy Club - The purpose of this club is to further the practice, enjoyment, knowledge and interest of students in the field of Astronomy. Advisor: Julie Johnson (952) 487-8462 Student Leader: Jason Halda normandale.astro@hotmail.com

Baha'I Club - Provides the opportunity to create unity among all Normandale students despite their religious differences. Advisor: Doug Claycomb (952) 487-8308

Black Student Alliance - Provides student and educational support for Africans and African-Americans.
Advisor: Geoff Jones, (952) 487-8191

Chess Club - Provides an opportunity for students to learn and improve chess skills while promoting social interaction.
Advisor: Clyde Eklund (952) 487-8350

College Democrats - Offers opportunities to educate members on pertinent issues, raise awareness on campus and in surrounding communities about current political issues. In addition they plan and carry out various events to promote the Democratic Party platform. Advisor: Bill McGuire (952) 487-8464

The Creative Writing Club - Provides an opportunity for students to solicit creative writing from the Normandale student body, read student submissions, and evaluate them for inclusion in a literary journal of student writing. Advisor: Lynette Reini-Grandell (952)487-7455

Dance Club - Provides the opportunity for beginners to learn a variety of dances and meet others. Promotes Latin dance. Advisor: TBA Student Leader: Allan Price (612) 481-3475

Drama Club - Committed to increasing exposure of the performance arts in our community and promoting performance arts as an overall positive good in our society. Advisor: Kurt Schweichardt (952) 487-8372

Ethiopian Student Union - Support for Ethiopian students while creating awareness and understanding of Ethiopian culture at Normandale Community College and the surrounding community. Advisor: Howard Odor (952) 487-8194

Gay & Straight Student Alliance - Enriches the lives of gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender persons through providing social opportunities, educational workshops, and speakers, on issues important to the GLBT community. Advisors: Cathy Satern (952) 487-8285 and Jon Marshall (952) 487-7272 Student Leader:TBA normandalegssa@yahoo.com

Hospitality Management - Advances the cause of hospitality and tourism by enhancing extracurricular educational opportunities, fostering experiential and professional development, and supporting industry networking for the ultimate benefit of the hospitality program and its members. Advisor: Dan Creed (952) 487-7103

International Film Society - Provides students with the opportunity to view and discuss International Films while promoting cultural awareness through these films. Advisor: Carina Belinco (952) 487-8303

Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship - Supports Christian students and faculty in promoting world missions of the Church.
Advisor: Sharon Harvey (952) 487-8434

Japanese Club - Promotes understanding of Japanese culture, customs, food, art form, language, and history.
Advisor: Ben Maegi (952) 487-7095

Latter-day Saint Student Association - Encourages and supports members of LDSSA in achieving their academic goals and maintaining a balanced life while on campus by providing students with meaningful service opportunities, social interactions, and religious activities that are consistent with LDSSA standards. Advisor: Diane Gold (952) 487-8452

Normandale Juggling Club - provides techniques and equipment for students who wish to learn how to juggle.
Advisor: Sharon Harvey (952) 487-8434

Muslim Student Association - Facilitates the needs of Muslims on campus so they can practice the religion of Islam as a complete way of life, portrays the true message of Islam to the non-Muslims on campus, creates a better understanding of and appreciation for the diverse culture of Islam. Advisor: Howard Odor (952) 487-8194 Student Leader: Adbul Aleem msa_normandale@yahoo.com

Nursing Club- Supports the goals and ideals of freshmen and sophomore nursing students. Advisor: TBA

Oromo Student Union- The primary goal of this club is to preserve the Oromo culture, share it with others, and to assist students to succeed in their education. Advisor: Howard Odor(952) 487-8194

Pottery - Promotes the art of hand building and creating hand-made pottery by bringing students together who are interested in pottery. Advisor: Martha Wittstruck (952) 487-8322

Psychology Club - Provides an opportunity for students to meet and enjoy interacting with others who share a similar interest in Psychology. Advisors: David Lake (952) 487-7090 and Ruth Schiller (952) 487-8466

Soccer Club - Promotes the sport of soccer. Advisors: Doug Claycomb (952) 487-8308 and Natalie Sautner (952) 487-7110

Sociology Club - Promotes dialog between those who are interested in transferring as undergraduates to other colleges as Sociology major, minor, and emphasis or interest in Sociology topics, issues, research, discussions, and activities, in order to develop life skills necessary to meet these goals. Advisors: Scott Magnuson-Martinson (952) 487-8478 and Dr. W. Mazdura (952) 487-7130

Somali Student Association - Provides understanding of the language, religion, and culture of Somali students.
Advisor: Howard Odor (952) 487-8194

Student American Dental Hygienists' Association - Cultivates, represents, promotes, and sustains the common interests of the dental professions. Advisors: Mary Beth Kensek (952) 487-8200 and Colleen Brickle (952) 487-8366

Teachers of Tomorrow - Promotes and sustains the quality of education, to represent the common interests of members of the teaching profession and to contribute to improvement of the quality of education. Advisors: Margaret (Peggy) Rejto (952) 487-8428, Julie Guelich (952) 487-8156 and Julie Johnson (952) 487-8462 Student Leader: Trudy Lynch teachersoftomorrowncc@yahoo.com

Veterans and Friends - Provides an organized congregation for veterans and students that would like to assist veterans to adapt to college, support each other and support our troops in service. Advisor: Ken Bursaw (952) 487-7041 and Phil Lowry (952) 487-8200


Many different clubs and activities on a college campus!

Radical Muslims MUST be taking over!


hey dork the "Meditation Room" is supposed to be for everyone ...... it is not labeled the Muslim Prayer Room ..........


New Member
hey dork the "Meditation Room" is supposed to be for everyone ...... it is not labeled the Muslim Prayer Room ..........

hey, dork. It's not like they're in there 24/7

the room can still be used for other activities.

when I was in college, clubs would use the same room all the time. It was a nifty thing we called scheduling.


The mighty Al-Sonsie!
This happened recently at George Mason University too. They were not allowing any non-muslims in, not letting anyone wear shoes into this supposedly non-denominational space, and segragating women who came in to the space.

USA today collected a bunch of info on the special treatment Islam gets in taxpayer funded schools. LINK


Well Duh ......... its "OK" to be an oppressive Muslim its PC now, but try to mention God Oh Opps out you go ...........


Free to Fly
"Last year on Fridays, he says, he often entered the bathroom to find that every sink and toilet stall had someone washing his feet. Other students couldn't use the bathroom at these times, and those who tried felt awkward."

It is against the law for anyone to wash any body parts but their hands in a public restroom such as the one on campus and you can be arrested for washing your feet in there as that is considered unsanitary. I learned that when I worked for the City of Norfolk and homeless people used to come in to City Hall to use the Public Restrooms.


The mighty Al-Sonsie!
Well Duh ......... its "OK" to be an oppressive Muslim its PC now, but try to mention God Oh Opps out you go ...........

You mean the "Christian version of God" right? You can ululate to Allah (May Bees Pee Upon Him) anyplace and get a pat on the head from the diversity police.


New Member
This happened recently at George Mason University too. They were not allowing any non-muslims in, not letting anyone wear shoes into this supposedly non-denominational space, and segragating women who came in to the space.

USA today collected a bunch of info on the special treatment Islam gets in taxpayer funded schools. LINK

I highly doubt that muslims have taken over the GMU chapel. You do know there is a christian (well catholic at any rate) chapel at GMU right? Where muslims don't go.


CageKicker Extraordinaire
hey, dork. It's not like they're in there 24/7

the room can still be used for other activities.

when I was in college, clubs would use the same room all the time. It was a nifty thing we called scheduling.

And what do you think would happen if some poor Orthodox Jewish kid went in there and prayed with their shoes on? And what if, by chance, the only window showing the sun was on the female side? How well do you think that would go over with the Muslim crowd that you claim hasn't "taken over?" :popcorn:

Judging by the literature laying around and how the non-muslim students were treated, they'd probably be in a fight.


New Member
And what do you think would happen if some poor Orthodox Jewish kid went in there and prayed with their shoes on? And what if, by chance, the only window showing the sun was on the female side? How well do you think that would go over with the Muslim crowd that you claim hasn't "taken over?" :popcorn:

Judging by the literature laying around and how the non-muslim students were treated, they'd probably be in a fight.

well, if they did it in the middle of their services, I guess it wouldn't go over well at all .... same as if a bunch of muslims wandered into the room when christian services were being held.

scheduling people. muslims do not own the room any more then anyone else (aside from the college) does.

edit: and in my own opinion, I'm sad that a sweet raquetball court is gone, because seriously, I'd rather do that then piss and moan about who gets to worship their omnipotent god (why do you need a specific location to worship something that is everywhere) when and where.
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The mighty Al-Sonsie!
I highly doubt that muslims have taken over the GMU chapel. You do know there is a christian (well catholic at any rate) chapel at GMU right? Where muslims don't go.

You can highly doubt it all you want. The fact is there were complaints made about the thuggish behaviour of the Muslim Students Association in this matter. It was noted, written about in the press, and compiled into the article I linked above as well. If you're so sure they are above reproach in this matter then...choose not to believe. Whatever...


CageKicker Extraordinaire
well, if they did it in the middle of their services, I guess it wouldn't go over well at all .... same as if a bunch of muslims wandered into the room when christian services were being held.

scheduling people. muslims do not own the room any more then anyone else (aside from the college) does.

IIRC, their prayer times are the same.


New Member
You can highly doubt it all you want. The fact is there were complaints made about the thuggish behaviour of the Muslim Students Association in this matter. It was noted, written about in the press, and compiled into the article I linked above as well. If you're so sure they are above reproach in this matter then...choose not to believe. Whatever...

look, the christians already have a chapel set aside .... I looked on the chapels website and there has been no mention of it. the article refers to a different space. I seriously doubt they are removing the fixed pews in the chapel.


The mighty Al-Sonsie!
look, the christians already have a chapel set aside .... I looked on the chapels website and there has been no mention of it. the article refers to a different space. I seriously doubt they are removing the fixed pews in the chapel.

This all occured in the non-denominational medition room in the Johnson center, the student union on campus. There was no mention of the chapel.

Here is a little background on that Wahhabist Saudi creation called The Muslim Student's Association.


New Member
hey, dork. It's not like they're in there 24/7

the room can still be used for other activities.

when I was in college, clubs would use the same room all the time. It was a nifty thing we called scheduling.
Cool!! I'd use the room to splatter pigs blood everywhere while wearing my shoes as I pooped on a koran. :yahoo: