taken over by RADICAL MUSLIMS


New Member
Xaquin will suck up to the Mussies until they come for his head with a butter knife.

Some people cannot see the forest for the trees. Some have Stockholm Syndrome. Some refuse to see what is happening before them. Some deny truth as if they are frightened of it. Some are just stupid. Some will vote for Hillary. What can i say,? Its already been said.

The things described here are happening. We all know it. There were Jews who were stripped naked and marched into the gas chambers who really thought they were going to get a shower. No shower for me hoss , let Xaquin kiss their butts. I am going down fighting.


Xaquin will suck up to the Mussies until they come for his head with a butter knife.

Some people cannot see the forest for the trees. Some have Stockholm Syndrome. Some refuse to see what is happening before them. Some deny truth as if they are frightened of it. Some are just stupid. Some will vote for Hillary. What can i say,? Its already been said.

The things described here are happening. We all know it. There were Jews who were stripped naked and marched into the gas chambers who really thought they were going to get a shower. No shower for me hoss , let Xaquin kiss their butts. I am going down fighting.
Take a dayum bulldozer to the place and then they can argue over the piece of dirt. And yeah, have to agree with you on Xaquin. He won't believe what is happening until they're executing his azz.


Highlander's MPD
Cool!! I'd use the room to splatter pigs blood everywhere while wearing my shoes as I pooped on a koran. :yahoo:

Good Plan. Let's do it. I see at the bottom of your page you have quotes from Forestal and JPC, Sr. Looks like we can add Xaquin44 to that :loser:club. What do you think?


Highlander's MPD
Xaquin will suck up to the Mussies until they come for his head with a butter knife.

Some people cannot see the forest for the trees. Some have Stockholm Syndrome. Some refuse to see what is happening before them. Some deny truth as if they are frightened of it. Some are just stupid. Some will vote for Hillary. What can i say,? Its already been said.

The things described here are happening. We all know it. There were Jews who were stripped naked and marched into the gas chambers who really thought they were going to get a shower. No shower for me hoss , let Xaquin kiss their butts. I am going down fighting.


Xqueen44 calls it bigotry and hatred. Are we supposed to forget about what they did on 9/11? Are we supposed to overlook what their religion thinks of non-infidels? Oh, why can't these idiots see. And, yes. These idiots will vote for Hillary. We can only hope that most of the country doesn't fall for her trap.


CageKicker Extraordinaire
so, not the whole day?

I see you went to the JPC and forestal school of reading comprehension. BOTH religions are told to pray at the SAME time of the day: Sunrise, midday and sunset. Scheduling for those that do things the old ways is NOT an option.


Sunrise, Midday and Sunset huh?
That is when I worship for my special religion also. I could use the meditation room for my 3 required holy tributes at those times...
At sunrise I am required to cook and eat bacon
At mid-day I am required to gather with other believers and perform the art of Pigskin football.
Since this is an Appalachian religion, at sunset is the blessing and eating of the sacreligious pickled pigs feet.
Oh, and my special religion also requires all in the room to partake of the events with me, forcefully if needed. :evil:


Well-Known Member
ooohhhhh a load of crap!

lets see what other atrocities Normandale has in store for the population!

Baha'I Club - Provides the opportunity to create unity among all Normandale students despite their religious differences. Advisor: Doug Claycomb (952) 487-8308
Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship - Supports Christian students and faculty in promoting world missions of the Church.
Advisor: Sharon Harvey (952) 487-8434

Latter-day Saint Student Association - Encourages and supports members of LDSSA in achieving their academic goals and maintaining a balanced life while on campus by providing students with meaningful service opportunities, social interactions, and religious activities that are consistent with LDSSA standards. Advisor: Diane Gold (952) 487-8452

Muslim Student Association - Facilitates the needs of Muslims on campus so they can practice the religion of Islam as a complete way of life, portrays the true message of Islam to the non-Muslims on campus, creates a better understanding of and appreciation for the diverse culture of Islam. Advisor: Howard Odor (952) 487-8194 Student Leader: Adbul Aleem msa_normandale@yahoo.com

Somali Student Association - Provides understanding of the language, religion, and culture of Somali students.
Advisor: Howard Odor (952) 487-8194


Many different clubs and activities on a college campus!

Radical Muslims MUST be taking over!
Edited for relevance.

The other groups were academic or social (while some questionable, that's all they were). These are the religious groups. Presuming they are all treated equally, I don't see the problem. If they're treated unequally, I see a problem.


New Member

Xqueen44 calls it bigotry and hatred. Are we supposed to forget about what they did on 9/11? Are we supposed to overlook what their religion thinks of non-infidels? Oh, why can't these idiots see. And, yes. These idiots will vote for Hillary. We can only hope that most of the country doesn't fall for her trap.


yeah, I'm not supporting the events of 9/11

you people are all kind of stupid .... show me where I've said I support terrorism. Go ahead. Find a quote.

There are muslims that are bigots and #######s .... however, none of them post on here that I know about, so I can't really call them out on it.

and as for the hurfadurf guy who says "Public room. I do as I wish." .... your attempt at humor is fallen short. I get it, you really don't like muslims. Any reason why?

I fully realize that people claiming to represent the muslim faith have done horrible things (so have christians). There is no legitimate reason to damn them as a whole, and anyone who will condemn 1/5 of the planet as bad because of the actions of one billionth of the population is a bigot and a fool.

edit: also, "what they did"? .... all 1 billion of them?

does that mean we should retroactivly blame every christian for the inquisition? crusades? various abortion clinic bombings? the holocaust?

If we're going to blame an entire culture for the actions of the few, then everyone on the planet would have a lot to answer for.
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New Member
Edited for relevance.

The other groups were academic or social (while some questionable, that's all they were). These are the religious groups. Presuming they are all treated equally, I don't see the problem. If they're treated unequally, I see a problem.

thank you for being logical.


New Member
Xaquin will suck up to the Mussies until they come for his head with a butter knife.

Some people cannot see the forest for the trees. Some have Stockholm Syndrome. Some refuse to see what is happening before them. Some deny truth as if they are frightened of it. Some are just stupid. Some will vote for Hillary. What can i say,? Its already been said.

The things described here are happening. We all know it. There were Jews who were stripped naked and marched into the gas chambers who really thought they were going to get a shower. No shower for me hoss , let Xaquin kiss their butts. I am going down fighting.

I have never "sucked up" to muslims or anyone for that matter.

as for the forest for the trees .... are you kidding? There are approx. 1 billion muslims in the world. If they were all terrible suicide bombers do you really think there would be so many? Wouldn't we be hearing about thousands of bombings a day? Or are you just stereotyping because of the few?

You know those jews were killed by someone who claimed himself a christian right?

I'm not kissing anyones butt. If I knew a muslim who was a jerk or a bigot, I'd call him out on it same as I would anyone.


New Member
Take a dayum bulldozer to the place and then they can argue over the piece of dirt. And yeah, have to agree with you on Xaquin. He won't believe what is happening until they're executing his azz.

what? When muslims take our entire country by force and execute the american populace?

pardon me if I inwardly AHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAA at you, because that it takes some grade A stupidity to think that will ever happen.

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that makes no sense unless you are saying that I have faith that some people are bigots. Which would still be wrong, because that's a fact not faith.

All I'll say is........Live it up baby.......whatcha got to lose......get off the 'puter and have some fun..................:howdy: