yeah yeah
Ok. So as of late my daughter is becoming quite the pistol. She is 18 months old, but ahead of her age by many leaps and bounds. She has started her 2's early I am guessing. She has in the last 2 weeks, been throwing tantrums that are ridiculous. She literally throws herself to the ground and then will scream bloody murder. Luckily she hasnt done this out in public nor has she done it anywhere but where I work or at home. I really dont know where she has learned to act like this- seeing as she doesnt see any tv programs nor is she around any other children who do this kind of crap.
What I am looking for is some things that I can maybe do to nip this in the bud. So that she doesnt start acting like this in public and that it is dealt with quickly. We have tried timeout's where I hold her on my lap while she pitches a fit, and I have also just tried the walking away and telling her to get over it. Any other ideas or ways that have worked for you?
What I am looking for is some things that I can maybe do to nip this in the bud. So that she doesnt start acting like this in public and that it is dealt with quickly. We have tried timeout's where I hold her on my lap while she pitches a fit, and I have also just tried the walking away and telling her to get over it. Any other ideas or ways that have worked for you?