Tattoo's on women

Tattoos on women

  • They make a woman look cheap

    Votes: 100 41.8%
  • I'm a freak I like them on women

    Votes: 42 17.6%
  • I'm a woman I like freaky

    Votes: 9 3.8%
  • I'm a woman and I just like them

    Votes: 88 36.8%

  • Total voters


New Member
I've yet to see a tattoo on a woman that I would consider tasteful.....there're just trashy! I don't care for tattoos on men either.

Many women who have tattoos don't look at it in that way. Trashy? Nah! They look at it as art, or an expression of their own self. It's the same with men and tattoos. People express themselves in different ways. Some get tats. Some dye their hair, and go crazy with it. Some get piercings. As long as its not hurting anyone, who cares!!!!!!!


I cant stand tattoos either, I mean who would do that to their body? It's just disrespectfull to the lord all mighty to deface your flesh.

People who like tattooes do that to their body. Just as people who like to drink, damage brain cells, and people who like to smoke, blacken their lungs.

Remember God doesn't weigh sins. He doesn't frown any more on the lady with a tattoo than he does on the obese, food addict sitting next to each other in church. Or the gossiping, self-righteous busy-body sitting on the front row whose sin is thinking she's better than everybody else.


People who like tattooes do that to their body. Just as people who like to drink, damage brain cells, and people who like to smoke, blacken their lungs.

Remember God doesn't weigh sins. He doesn't frown any more on the lady with a tattoo than he does on the obese, food addict sitting next to each other in church. Or the gossiping, self-righteous busy-body sitting on the front row whose sin is thinking she's better than everybody else.

:smack: it was:sarcasm:you:dork:


It's 2008 and I hate my tattoo with a passion! No way in the world, to present myself as a professional woman when I take my shirt off. Sad....


New Member
People who like tattooes do that to their body. Just as people who like to drink, damage brain cells, and people who like to smoke, blacken their lungs.

Remember God doesn't weigh sins. He doesn't frown any more on the lady with a tattoo than he does on the obese, food addict sitting next to each other in church. Or the gossiping, self-righteous busy-body sitting on the front row whose sin is thinking she's better than everybody else.

I like the way that you worded that. Nicely put! You're right! :buddies:


It's 2008 and I hate my tattoo with a passion! No way in the world, to present myself as a professional woman when I take my shirt off. Sad....

I wouldn't worry about that...unless your a stripper or a model, i don't think there is a reason or a way to look professional with your shirt off.....


Transam's wife
I have 4 tattoos....they all mean something to me. They are part of WHO I am and WHERE I came from. A body is just a canvas for art and a tattoo is just work. The only thing I have pierced is my ears....don't want anything thing's just not who I am. A tattoo doesn't mean that a woman is's just people who can't look past their noses to see the real person. And I do have one name on my's my husband's name and I love it! But my favorite one is the one for my father, so, yes tattoos do have meaning to them. Wasn't too impressed with the survey though. Sorry.


It's 2008 and I hate my tattoo with a passion! No way in the world, to present myself as a professional woman when I take my shirt off. Sad....

Well, Im sure the professional men you deal with have no problems with that.


I have 4 tattoos....they all mean something to me. They are part of WHO I am and WHERE I came from. A body is just a canvas for art and a tattoo is just work. The only thing I have pierced is my ears....don't want anything thing's just not who I am. A tattoo doesn't mean that a woman is's just people who can't look past their noses to see the real person. And I do have one name on my's my husband's name and I love it! But my favorite one is the one for my father, so, yes tattoos do have meaning to them. Wasn't too impressed with the survey though. Sorry.

It would have been interesting to have an Age Breakdown on the results. I too was a little suprised by the number of people who think it is trashy, but I think it may be a "sign of the times" I think younger generations post baby boomers are more accepting and a little more open minded to personal expressions. Earlier generations associate tattoos with sailors in the PI and that just isn't the case these days. I am sure some younger people may still find them trashy, but I'm sure the numbers will inversely reflect the opinions from older to younger generations.

Don't get me wrong, I think having a "Budweiser" symbol tattooed on your forearm is on the tacky side, but my feeling is your body is your property and you can do what you want with it. If i don't agree, screw me, it is not my business. My personal belief is I love tattoos, i have several, but you would never know it unless you see me at the gym, swimming, or playing sports in the summer where my shirt is off and they are exposed. I am a professional and work in a professional enviornment so visible tattoos are definatly a faux pas.


I wanna be a SMIB
Ive always wanted a little tatoo statigically placed somewhere but was always a big chicken sh!t. Still want one and am still one. But pet peeve is a tatoo on a womans forarm. Gross. What are you , a man.


Ive always wanted a little tatoo statigically placed somewhere but was always a big chicken sh!t. Still want one and am still one. But pet peeve is a tatoo on a womans forarm. Gross. What are you , a man.

Same here... I want something good because its going to be there awhile. :lmao:


Well-Known Member
I have 4 tattoos....they all mean something to me. They are part of WHO I am and WHERE I came from. A body is just a canvas for art and a tattoo is just work. The only thing I have pierced is my ears....don't want anything thing's just not who I am. A tattoo doesn't mean that a woman is's just people who can't look past their noses to see the real person. And I do have one name on my's my husband's name and I love it! But my favorite one is the one for my father, so, yes tattoos do have meaning to them. Wasn't too impressed with the survey though. Sorry.


thats what a tattoo is all about. To me, it should be an expression of who you are, or have some deep meaning behind it.

Yes, it is tacky when people get stuff like...
well, i'm not going to name anything because I will choose not to offend those who may have made a mistake they regret and chit happens, but it is in the past (unfortunately some things stick with you forever :lol:)


Huge fan of tattoos IF they are for the right reason, not just a drunken night out where everyone decides to get something permanently inked on their body :yay:

(after saying that though, still haven't found exactly what I'm personally looking for. I am happy with my body how it is and if I ever feel the desire to put something meaningful on it, I will not feel any regrets for doing it :smile:)


New Member
I voted, I am a woman and I just like them!

I have 1 tattoo and plan on getting more. I have a "tramp stamp", but I've wanted this tattoo since I was 16 and I said to myself, if I still want it by the time I am 20, then I'll get it. So, one day I walked into the tattoo place and had them draw it up for me and an hour later..*POOF* there was my tatty! Love it too, I can show who I want to, if I want them to, if not, they don't see.

Next tat will be on the top of my foot though, already getting ready for that one.


I voted, I am a woman and I just like them!

I have 1 tattoo and plan on getting more. I have a "tramp stamp", but I've wanted this tattoo since I was 16 and I said to myself, if I still want it by the time I am 20, then I'll get it. So, one day I walked into the tattoo place and had them draw it up for me and an hour later..*POOF* there was my tatty! Love it too, I can show who I want to, if I want them to, if not, they don't see.

Next tat will be on the top of my foot though, already getting ready for that one.

Saw a hot redhead yesterday at the voting polls, with 2 small tattoos a top of each ankle.......She was smokin'...very sexy...


Witchy Woman
It's 2008 and I hate my tattoo with a passion! No way in the world, to present myself as a professional woman when I take my shirt off. Sad....


What profession are you in that requires you to take your shirt off? The King wants a job there. :lmao:

I like strategically placed, nice, artful, pretty tats. I don't thin women or men look good with ugly tats all over their body.

I have an ugly tattoo of a rose on my upper left arm, no names or anything (Thank the moon) that I got when I was 15 from a boyfriends uncle that just got out of jail.( how smart was that? My mom kicked my ass) I hate it and can't decide whether to have it removed or to cover it with something pretty.

I feel like I always have to keep it covered when we go nice places or in professional situations.

Young and dumb.:shakinghead: And OMG It HURT!!!

Anyone know anything about tattoo removal?



What profession are you in that requires you to take your shirt off? The King wants a job there. :lmao:

I like strategically placed, nice, artful, pretty tats. I don't thin women or men look good with ugly tats all over their body.

I have an ugly tattoo of a rose on my upper left arm, no names or anything (Thank the moon) that I got when I was 15 from a boyfriends uncle that just got out of jail.( how smart was that? My mom kicked my ass) I hate it and can't decide whether to have it removed or to cover it with something pretty.

I feel like I always have to keep it covered when we go nice places or in professional situations.

Young and dumb.:shakinghead: And OMG It HURT!!!

Anyone know anything about tattoo removal?

i've read up on it a little and from what i gather it is very expensive and very painful. You may have to go back several times and the end result is skin that looks very different from the rest of your body. If you still like tattoos I think it would be more logical to find something you like to cover it up...just MO.


i've read up on it a little and from what i gather it is very expensive and very painful. You may have to go back several times and the end result is skin that looks very different from the rest of your body. If you still like tattoos I think it would be more logical to find something you like to cover it up...just MO.

The skin doesn't look bad after everything has healed, but the process is very painful and expensive. Hubby had two removed and it was about $250 each time and I think he went at least 6-8 times.