

New Member

Yes, I am 15. So what relax... I have been into this stuff since I was four. NO I am not julie randall's daughter I'm not even a girl. I'm glad that people are now focusing on the President 's race. Maybe now people will look at the record of Randall and Mckay and go humm... Do i want an owner of a bad grocery store chain or do I want continued prosperity. It's your call folks... remember I can't vote!:frown:
BTW if you take the time of this post and say I should be in school, your wrong my school got out at 12:30 today!


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I'm with Wildcat when he says it's refreshing to see someone so young take an interest in politics. Young people are almost ALWAYS Democrat-inclined. Think about it. They are still in that dependent "fight the power" mode. As they grow older and see how things really work and the tough decisions that must be made in order to insure domestic tranquility, a lot of them change their minds.


New Member

Yes, I am 15. So what relax... I have been into this stuff since I was four. NO I am not julie randall's daughter I'm not even a girl. I'm glad that people are now focusing on the President 's race. Maybe now people will look at the record of Randall and Mckay and go humm... Do i want an owner of a bad grocery store chain or do I want continued prosperity. It's your call folks... remember I can't vote!:frown:
BTW if you take the time of this post and say I should be in school, your wrong my school got out at 12:30 today!


Paraphrasing here, "If you are not a liberal at 20 then you have no heart,and if you are not a conservative at 40 then you have no mind".

Churchill I believe


New Member

I really don't have a problem paying "my fair share" of taxes in St. Mary's County. I do however, feel that what our tax dollars are spent on should be more closely monitored.

After reviewing the county budget for FY02, I was amazed to see just how much of our tax money is spent to fund charities. I'm not opposed to supporting charities but isn't this what organizations such as the United Way are for?

The County Commissioners dole out thousands of your tax dollars to these charities with no requirement or expectation of being given an accounting of what the money is spent for.

Charities supported by the United Way have to account for how they spend the money. Why can't the taxpayers be given the same answers.


b*tch rocket
I wish you all would cut smcdem some slack. We all were 15 once for heavens sake! I'm quite pleased that someone so young has taken an interest in politics rather than spending every waking moment glued to a Sony Playstation.

It's quite possible that smcdem is open to real dialogue and education in regards to our local and national political representatives.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Christy
I wish you all would cut smcdem some slack. We all were 15 once for heavens sake! I'm quite pleased that someone so young has taken an interest in politics rather than spending every waking moment glued to a Sony Playstation.

It's quite possible that smcdem is open to real dialogue and education in regards to our local and national political representatives.

Nope won't do it, they don't deserve any slack nor will I give them any. When I was 15 I knew that I wasn't welcome in adult conversations. My Dad used to remind me of it all the time with a nice little smack upon the back of my head. This kid needs to step away for the computer and enjoy their childhood, go out and have some fun. Just be a kid. What's that old phrase, "Children should be seen and not heard" and I think it is so appropriate here.

As to your comment about being open I think you are dreaming. It appears to me they are just another robot to the liberal ideals of their teacher or parents and doesn't have a real clue as to why they support who they say they do.


b*tch rocket
As to your comment about being open I think you are dreaming. It appears to me they are just another robot to the liberal ideals of their teacher or parents and doesn't have a real clue as to why they support who they say they do.

Of course they're clueless! Maybe I have a soft spot Ken, since I was a young liberal myself at one time. I'm grateful that when I was going through that phase I had bright people that set me straight using reason rather than telling me to p!ss off.

When you're still at an age where you're dangling from your families "teet", you don't really have a concept of the real world, so you're obviously going to be a liberal. Problem is, if you don't educate these kids at an early age, they go from relying on the family "teet" to expecting and insisting the government to take over that role.

So there! :razz: :moon:


New Member

Seems to me you had a sad childhood. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Teens should have a huge voice in today's public policy. We are not only the future yet we are the present. And to regards as me being clueless, thats ridiculous... I am very involded with local politics more specifically as Chair of Randall's Youth committee, I think I know which ideology I am in. You don't need a voting card just in order to think...

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Re: Ken

Originally posted by smcdem
Seems to me you had a sad childhood. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Teens should have a huge voice in today's public policy. We are not only the future yet we are the present. And to regards as me being clueless, thats ridiculous... I am very involded with local politics more specifically as Chair of Randall's Youth committee, I think I know which ideology I am in. You don't need a voting card just in order to think...

Seems you are wrong again as you have no knowledge or understanding about my childhood. I had tons of fun. It was before all the electronic gadgets that you have today. Back when imagination was just as important as anything else. Back when we frolicked out of doors because there wasn't all the BS television that has warped many young minds. It was back when children respected their elders, had manners, and knew when and how to interact with adults. It was a great time.

And you are clueless; as you are not helping influence any changes within our government, local or otherwise. You are being duped to do what adults with intellect refuse to do. That being, voicing Ms. Randall's opinions and ideas.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Nodnarb
Ken - you're arguing with a 15 year old...

Not arguing, just making statements to this youngster. I have no intent on changing this poisoned mind, they will discover soon enough when they are tossed to the side after meeting Julie's needs. If I was intent on arguing I would have went after their idiotic comment when they said, "Teens should have a huge voice in today's public policy. "



Originally posted by Ken King

As to your comment about being open I think you are dreaming. It appears to me they are just another robot to the liberal ideals of their teacher or parents and doesn't have a real clue as to why they support who they say they do.

Pretty Harsh! I hope I never loose sight of what it was like to be a kid. I am really proud of smcdem I think it speaks well of his/her character that he/she spending anytime investigating politics at all.

Of course smcdem has no real clue, that's the whole reason smcdem logged on.... To Learn!

BTW I feel that this day in age, it is critical for our children to be heard.


You're all F'in Mad...
Originally posted by Ken King

Not arguing, just making statements to this youngster. I have no intent on changing this poisoned mind, they will discover soon enough when they are tossed to the side after meeting Julie's needs. If I was intent on arguing I would have went after their idiotic comment when they said, "Teens should have a huge voice in today's public policy. "

I saw that too. I think it's great that a kid is interested enough to become interactive. I chose to stay out of the conversation. Teens reach the age of reason around 16, which is why they are allowed to drive a car at that age. That's also precisely why teens don't have a huge voice in public policy. They don't have the practical experience that life gives you each year. So I viewed trying to reason with the inexperienced as an impossibility. Then he (or she) confirmed my position when he started flinging around insults, and talking about stuff that he knows nothing about (ie. your childhood.)

SMCDEM could learn from those of us with differing views, and see how we back up our positions without insulting eachother, rather than turning us off.