Taylor Swift


Obama destroyed America
I couldn't name one song.... ok the Romeo & Juliet one. Other than that I have no clue what she sings.


Happy Camper
I couldn't name one song.... ok the Romeo & Juliet one. Other than that I have no clue what she sings.

That's because they all sound the same. I swear if you strung them all together, you would never be able to tell where one stopped and the next one started! :barf:
I fell sorry for the Kennedys. She was "in love", bought the house RIGHT NEXT to the Kennedy compound, Ethel said what a nice girl she was, glad she was there, etc.... then they split.

So now just 2 or 3 months later, what's she going to do about the house? I'm sure she can't go anywhere near it without getting more than stinkeye from the neighbors.

Girl has NO CLUE what she wants from life or how she is making others feel.


Well-Known Member
I fell sorry for the Kennedys. She was "in love", bought the house RIGHT NEXT to the Kennedy compound, Ethel said what a nice girl she was, glad she was there, etc.... then they split.

So now just 2 or 3 months later, what's she going to do about the house? I'm sure she can't go anywhere near it without getting more than stinkeye from the neighbors.

Girl has NO CLUE what she wants from life or how she is making others feel.

I thought I heard she and the younger Kennedy were an item again. Too much fame and fortune too soon.


New Member
Stories like this encourage me to favor the girl:

Mother of Ronan Thompson speaks out about Taylor Swift's tribute | Irish News and Politics spanning the US, Ireland and the World | IrishCentral

Plus, I think the boys like the attention of having songs written about them or else they wouldn't keep dating a girl that writes songs about her boyfriends.

While I think her music is a bit overplayed and meant for a younger crowd, I find it entertaining for what it is - a very young girl singing about young girl things. It sells and it sells big so I don't know why she would deviate from what's working for her.