Teen Pregnancy Prevention in St Marys


But wait, there's more...
Originally posted by vraiblonde
I'll start a new thread so we can keep this one ON TOPIC (Sexy and Crab, *ahem* :nono:)

I was talking about not getting pregnant. :shrug:

Originally posted by crabcake
nope, but it was "safe" nook ... :wink:

<~~ staying on topic! :biggrin:


You're all F'in Mad...
Originally posted by SxyPrincess
Sorry...I was speaking of videotaping experimentation(and If I could just get my tapes back :ohwell: ) ...:bubble:

Just watch them online with the rest of us... :popcorn:


Loyalty, Friendship, Love
Oh My. I'm all for sex ed and teaching kids to avoid std's and pregnancy but some of that is a little over the top.

I mean, come on, kids are going to discover "Mr/Ms Hand" all by themselves, there is no need to teach them technique. Proper condom use over a banana was something they showed us in H.S., I can see moving that to an earlier age, like 12 maybe.

5 is a little young for anything more than, "your body belongs to you, no one should touch you in a way that makes you uncomfortable..."


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Any teacher who:
  • teaches my daughters how to put on a condom
  • says a word to one of my children about "negotiating" safe sex OR
  • teaches them how to masturbate
better be prepared for a rather large lawsuit. Their job is basic biology and THAT'S IT.

That said, you hear about this crap all the time in the media but I've never heard of a school system yet that actually does it. Not one that my kids have ever been to nor any of my friends' kids. I think they make this sh*t up to get parents screaming