Teen Pregnancy Prevention in St Marys


New Member
Originally posted by kwillia
I'm confused... how were they stunned when they knew you were out clubbing and such...:confused:
Not saying I was out drinking and partying. They had 18 and under clubs that I'd go to, but I did get into Tracks in DC a few times.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by SxyPrincess
When I got pregnant my entire family was stunned.
Didn't you also say that you were rebellious and were clubbing and running the streets at an early age? What were they smoking that they were "stunned" that you ended up pregnant?

I, too, had no supervision and ran the streets. It was pure luck that I didn't end up pregnant in high school - I got "caught" the year after I graduated. What connection aren't you making here?


New Member
Originally posted by SxyPrincess
I didn't dress like a hoochie in school (jeans & t-shirts) and I rec'd excellent grades. I was on the student council and played soccer and field hockey. When I got pregnant my entire family was stunned. They never thought such a bright, pleasant, well-rounded young girl (such as myself) would be that foolish. Well...things happen...for a reason!

I have trouble believing that you didn't have self-esteem issues as a teenager. The differances in your parent's parenting styles must have been confusing for you. You got the message from your mother that whatever you do is ok, as long as you confide in her. But your father's message was that there was a lot wrong with the things you do, so you may as well not tell him anything. You said you were living with your father from 15-17. I assume that means you had less contact with your mother. You lost that confidant or at least had less opportunity to talk to someone about what was going on with your life, at a time when girls are often dealing with things like sex and drugs.


Happy Camper!
Off topic but I think in my class, the most sexual active were the higher achievers. Granted they weren't pregnant in hs but they were certianly active.


New Member
Originally posted by vraiblonde
Didn't you also say that you were rebellious and were clubbing and running the streets at an early age? What were they smoking that they were "stunned" that you ended up pregnant?

Right! I guess it was my good grades and school activities that when I got pregnant, they thought I was smarter than that. :ohwell:

It happened and I chose to keep my daughter, rather than having an abortion or giving her up for adoption.


Happy Camper!
Originally posted by kwillia
Please define "higher achievers" .... :confused: Sports? Grades? Popularity? And 'NO'... I don't think all three go together...

Actually in my class they were all lumped together the popular kids were smart and played sports. I took all ap classes in hs and the stories I would hear. Not that I was a saint but these people had me topped by years.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by SxyPrincess
Right! I guess it was my good grades and school activities that when I got pregnant, they thought I was smarter than that.
I can relate. My folks thought I was "smarter" than that, too. But my Mom used to let me have my boyfriend over to spend the night (and let me sleep at his house as well) when I was 16. She was shocked when I got pregnant - what she should have been shocked about was that it took so long.


New Member
Originally posted by Lucy
I have trouble believing that you didn't have self-esteem issues as a teenager. The differances in your parent's parenting styles must have been confusing for you. You got the message from your mother that whatever you do is ok, as long as you confide in her. But your father's message was that there was a lot wrong with the things you do, so you may as well not tell him anything. You said you were living with your father from 15-17. I assume that means you had less contact with your mother. You lost that confidant or at least had less opportunity to talk to someone about what was going on with your life, at a time when girls are often dealing with things like sex and drugs.
You should go back to school, Lucy, because your analogy of me is completely wrong.

My Father is a police officer. He told me horror stories about things he had witnessed, and didn't want me in those types of situations.

Yes I lived with my Father for 2 years, but I went to my Mom's pretty much every weekend. We remained close and talked about everything. I often talked with friends parents about sex/drugs/school/ you name it.

I don't think I had self-esteem issues. I had a lot of friends, was part of the 'in' crowd and was always busy with extracurricular activities. High school was a great time for me. I had 2 b/f's throughout my entire 4 years in high school and I was never out sleeping around.


New Member
Originally posted by vraiblonde
I can relate. My folks thought I was "smarter" than that, too. But my Mom used to let me have my boyfriend over to spend the night (and let me sleep at his house as well) when I was 16.
I could have (boy) friends over, but they always had to leave by 11 and could never stay over. I wasn't allowed to stay at their houses either. :nono:


But wait, there's more...
Originally posted by SxyPrincess
I was never out sleeping around.

Originally posted by SxyPrincess
I could have (boy) friends over, but they always had to leave by 11 and could never stay over. I wasn't allowed to stay at their houses either. :nono:

Sxy = Virgin Mary/immaculate conception :notworthy:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Sxy, how much can I pick on you before you get mad? Or should I pick on someone else for awhile?

You lied to your Dad and snuck around. Yet they were "stunned" because you were such a good girl. Which is it?


New Member
Originally posted by vraiblonde

You lied to your Dad and snuck around. Yet they were "stunned" because you were such a good girl. Which is it?
If I snuck around, that means they didn't know, right? I'd be stunned too if my daughter did the same.


Originally posted by SxyPrincess
I'd be stunned too if my daughter did the same.
How can you be stunned if you daughter does what you did??

Kids WILL be kids. They WILL find a way to play with as little parental knowledge as possible.


My Sweetest Boy
Originally posted by SxyPrincess
If I snuck around, that means they didn't know, right? I'd be stunned too if my daughter did the same.

I'll bet several of us were stunned (or would be stunned) at some of the things we don't know about our children. You are never going to know everything.


But wait, there's more...
Originally posted by cattitude
I'll bet several of us were stunned (or would be stunned) at some of the things we don't know about our children.

you mean like this one time, at band camp ... :gossip:

God, I would have a heart attack on the spot if my daughter ever said (much less did) something like that! :yikes:


Originally posted by SxyPrincess
Well...my parents were married when they had me. :shrug:
So, you expect your daughter to be married when she has her first to be unlike yourself?


My Sweetest Boy
Originally posted by justhangn
How can you be stunned if you daughter does what you did??

I know this was directed to Sxy but you are stunned...you know kids do things, you even try to prepare yourself for the day..but you still think/hope/wish that all your parenting has not been with just a smidge of benefit and when you hear the words "I've done this" (even though you have a damn good idea already), it does give you a jolt. Years ago, sitting there looking at the those three darling children, I'd have sworn their halos would have remained in tact.