Teen sex parties... WTH???


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PREMO Member
You can't blame schools for not having properly taught children about sex education. Kids know all about it.

You can't blame schools for not having taught children about contraceptives and condoms. They know what they are, they cost almost nothing and you need the IQ of a chimp to know how they work, cucumbers and bananas notwithstanding. For what it's worth, there are plenty of grown men who don't seem to want to use them either. It's not a "knowledge" thing.

You *might* blame schools for not having taught kids enough about STD's - but I doubt it. Kids know enough about this stuff - they just think they're bullet-proof. It usually takes something like a gruesome traffic fatality to convince them not to drive 60 mph down a tiny country road with the lights off in the wrong lane (true story, with my little sister). They won't listen.

But if you want to place blame, and for some ridiculous reason, refuse to place blame where it belongs - on PARENTS - blame the schools for not having instilled the character, discipline and self-control. Blame the schools for allowing the kids to be sneaky little bastages who get away with stuff on a regular basis. Blame the schools for teaching kids that bad behavior that isn't caught is rewarded.

Because it's idiotic to claim the reason is because they don't know enough, and that the cause for them not knowing is religious sentimentality and objections to school sex education. I'd like to see that stats that say that kids WITH religious upbringing - you know, the ones IGNORANT of sex - have the worst numbers.

The problem isn't that they don't know - the problem is they don't care.

And if we're going to lay the blame on the schools for not teaching them enough about sex - which is really a roundabout and lame way of REALLY blaming religious types - why not go the whole nine yards and blame them for not teaching strong character and self-discipline? Because THAT is why they're doing this. When you're in middle school and having sex with 30 people, the problem is not "ignorance".