Tell me a deer story!


New Member
How bout a deer joke?

Q: What's the difference between beer nuts and deer nuts?

A: Deer nuts are just under a buck :nerd:


He saw me before I saw him...I had a hard time not laughing becuase I was hunting from the ground, and he kept staring and stomping at me. I can't believe that I was able to get the gun shouldered, but when I did I was able to get a good broadside shot! He only went about 40 yards and dropped. Field dressed at 125 :yahoo:

He made for a tasty spaghetti sauce! :yum: Thank you for sharing! :huggy:


Anybody read the article in Friday's Enterprise about another monster buck taken up in Charles county?


New Member
Well things are finally looking up here, have not seen a lot this year, until last night that is. The wheat has grown a mere 4 inches, and I almost had my first heart attack last night at the farm. I counted a total of 37.

2 really nice 6 pointers and a huge 4 pointer, the rest were does. Think it's time for some population management, entirely too many does, and I don't need a bunch of inbreds running around, Southern Maryland has enough of that now.

So, it's 2:30pm on this fine cloudy nasty looking Wednesday here in By Gawd Southern Merland, so Ima git my gun and git'er done.

I'll update in about 3 hours, 5 if everything goes well!


New Member
You know I was thinking... (Yeah Me Too!)​

There is only one time of the year when you'll hear a real man say these words.

"I'm putting on my best perfume this evening and going out looking for the big boys"

Larry Gude

Strung Out
One day...

We got a 6pt, 8pt, 10pt and a large doe today.
It is getteng late and everone went to sleep early.


..hopefully not too far into the future, the 3rd ID was home on leave and decided to walk through Maryland on the way back to Hood. They shot all the deer in the state except two. They left some claymores next to a pile of corn for them and everyone lived happily ever after.

The End.
Had a Doe step out 10 yards from me Saturday morning (hunting in a ground blind) and she stared me down. Once she figured out I was real, she bounced back in the woods and sat back there snorting for about 10 minutes as I was apparently in her patch of acorns :lmao:

An hour later she stepped out 50 yards away and BLAMO - lights out... Stupid Doe - one less in Bryantown :yahoo:

They are really, REALLY bad around here... most of the farms are doing management of some sort to cut back on the population.


New Member
It is illeagle to sell any part of a wild animal in the state of Maryland. But someone can give you some.

Chuck's Butcher Shop in Bryans Road is selling Buffalo now. They started selling it about a month ago. I gotta try that, I wonder if it tastes like chicken?


New Member
It is supposed to taste just like beef but a lot leaner. They cross buffalo and cow and call it beefalo, seriously.
Ugh.... I just whiffed on a spike buck this evening only 100 yards out :tantrum

What makes it worse? The 11 y/o boy giggled when I told him!!! Damn kids... :lmao:


Ugh.... I just whiffed on a spike buck this evening only 100 yards out :tantrum

What makes it worse? The 11 y/o boy giggled when I told him!!! Damn kids... :lmao:

Swing and a Miss ........ Your not good at baseball either, are you ?


j/k - good luck
Swing and a Miss ........ Your not good at baseball either, are you ?


j/k - good luck

Oh yeah - had a few "K's" in my baseball career! :lmao:

To make the missed shot worse... I went out this morning and the farm behind me was goose hunting. They were blasting the snot out of geese, so I figured the deer were laying low. I decided to bag the morning and went home around 9:30am with all intentions to come back out in the evening.
I went home, had a hot shower and said heck with it.

So me and the boy drive out to the ground blind to zip the windows up to get ready for next Friday and Saturday... he asked me where the deer was when I shot, so I showed him. He pulled out my range finder and lazered 98 yards!

"Hey Dad, that shot was only 98 yards. You MISSED that?" - and he laughed!!! Pretty bad when you get dissed by an 11 y/o... I really was laughing on the inside! My wife is laughing now... that makes me feel better :killingme

YES - 98 $#%@#$ YARDS!!!

Man, I was right on in guest-a-mation! Either way, I still should have hit the damn thing... pisses me off...

Oh well, always have next Friday and Saturday...
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