I understand your general sentiment and actually we should all be praying for Christian unity. I bite on certain people's posts and I should not.
That being said I will respectfully disagree on several of your points--I would fail my faith if I didn't. I would argue against your assertion that the Catholic Church is "too busy fighting for who is right that..." The RCC in modern times is NOT--because by its very existence they believe they are the authoritative church--like it or not, it is scriptural and they were for centuries so they're not really pressed about this. The RCC these days are too busy evangelizing, feeding the poor, caring for the sick, standing up for the unborn, the aged, and traditional marriage--LIKE KNOW OTHER RELIGIOUS GROUP ON THE PLANET. And let's not forget--a lot of those that benefit are not even Catholic. Where were all of the Protestant churches two weeks ago for the rally against Planned Parenthood all across the country. I was at one--didn't see a lot non-Catholics. Where are all of you in January on the mall every year for the right to life March?
I really for the life of me can't understand why some Protestants have such a difficult time with Peter. No organization on earth is leaderless. Period. Christ knew what His future held. Of course he left His work in the hands of a leader--a flawed, old coot like Peter--not different than me or you.
Again, I really equate some Protestant Churches with the social justice movements of today. Were their things in the 1500's that needed to be corrected? You betcha. Any real student of history knows that today's Protestant Churches are not the intended outcome of most of the reformers. Gay bishops, women bishops, etc...
Why do some fail to look at history? Were we meant to go at it alone with the whole "Jesus and me are BFFs and I don't need to go to a physical building? By the thousands of medieval churches still standing (some from the 4th century) I would say no. What was their purpose? "Wherever two are gathered...a fine example of cherry picking scripture...And the ridiculousness of the argument that RCC churches are too lavish...walk in most Catholic Churches--you'll FEEL like you're in sacred space. That's the point! Bare walls and a picture of a river flowing above a baptismal pool doesn't speak sacred to me...