Tennessee Bound

black dog

Free America
I assume so, I'll ask her when I'm there for thanksgiving and get back with you if you want.

While you visit your mother, stop at redbox and rent Forest Gump and watch it. You will both enjoy it ad the references will make since then.


Well-Known Member
Welp.....today the truck "with our house in it" arrived at our new house. My Brother asked a couple of his friends; who have full grown sons: to help. I myself can't do a whole lot due to my physiological "anomalies" I'll call them.....vertigo etc., so "the young bucks"; who are bigger'n me BTW; did all of the climbing the truck and unloading it; pretty much all the "barge liftin' and bale totin'. I don't have a 20x30 garage with overhead storage anymore but there's enough room in the attached garage for the tools I need PLUS two cars if the need arises. There are stairs to the second floor, so me going up and down them is going to be an experience. "Oh, but going up and down stairs will help your knees." Yeah, yeah.....


God bless the USA
Welp.....today the truck "with our house in it" arrived at our new house. My Brother asked a couple of his friends; who have full grown sons: to help. I myself can't do a whole lot due to my physiological "anomalies" I'll call them.....vertigo etc., so "the young bucks"; who are bigger'n me BTW; did all of the climbing the truck and unloading it; pretty much all the "barge liftin' and bale totin'. I don't have a 20x30 garage with overhead storage anymore but there's enough room in the attached garage for the tools I need PLUS two cars if the need arises. There are stairs to the second floor, so me going up and down them is going to be an experience. "Oh, but going up and down stairs will help your knees." Yeah, yeah.....

Going up and down stairs is good excercise. Be sure to hold on to the rail. :)


Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience
What ever happened to your Dad's car?
The last status on it that I remember, was that his brother got the car. I believe there was some animosity created by that. I must admit I don't read everything he posts. With the frequency of his updates, we'll know what happened to it by Thanksgiving. :lol:


Well-Known Member
The last status on it that I remember, was that his brother got the car. I believe there was some animosity created by that. I must admit I don't read everything he posts. With the frequency of his updates, we'll know what happened to it by Thanksgiving. :lol:
Sooner'n you think. See post #47.


Well-Known Member
For me it's a process. I just need to drive around more during daylight hours, vice at night when there are far fewer reference points.